Saturday in cowboy country

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Saturday in cowboy country

Postby Redwahine » Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:10 am

A quick good morning from Bandera, TX. The Cowboy Capitol. At last minute it worked out so I was able to get away and take RED over Bandera and gtg with several friends. Arrived Thurs early afternoon and have to go back today. But had a wonderful 2 1/2 days. Yesterday the weather was glorious and we took a walking tour of town. Lots of good fun, friends, and food. Everyone have a great day and stay safe.

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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby Bethers » Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:26 am

Glad you got the quick get away. Bandera is fun.

Just finished walking Peaches and the sky is beautiful. Bright stars and the shine of the almost full moon - love it.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby Redetotry » Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:28 am

Chris, I wish I had been there too, looks like a fun spot! Not much here this morning, doing a little retail shopping at Sierra Trading Post. Feeling much better and going to give yoga a try this morning unless the predicted storms move in earlier than they are saying. Still no word on Elsie's condition.
I loved Sharons description yesterday of the Sam cats water drinking preferences, he has to be really smart to have trained her how to get the pressure just right. I totally related having been well trained by my four footed friends over the years!
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby Ladyhawk » Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:59 am

Good morning. I work the afternoon shift so it FEELS like I have the day least for now. Yesterday's excitement included gunfire. Heard a couple of shots and notified the station. I started to walk the property looking for what I assumed would be poachers. Turns out some guys who work on the property next to the campground have permits to hunt year-round. This makes absolutely no sense to me considering how close they are to us.

Beautiful weather today, but we're expecting snow tomorrow. Hope everyone has a super Saturday!
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby sharon » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:19 am

Yesterday the weather was sucky, today it's crappy! Sprinkling, chilly and nasty. I had plans, really really good and fun plans. The good plan....GS school is having a fundraiser car wash. Not much sense in that if it continues to drizzle. The fun plan...sand drags out at Soboba Indian Casino. I have friends racing. I LOVE sand drags!! But not enough to sit in the rain to watch. sigh. I may have to continue on my plan to get Hope cleaned. Not so much a fun plan.

Yes, BJ, the Samcat has me well trained. He trained his GSD when he was an infant, then he trained his dad and now me. He's even, to a small point, trained the Chewmonster, even tho at times she can be really mean to him. He doesn't hold a grudge. He's pretty smart, he understands that dry camping out in the desert, he doesn't get the running water and settles for a small amount in the sink. He's not so bad. For a cat.

Chris, looking good on that bar saddle! Glad you got to go play in RED.

Hope everyone has better weather than me and has a great day!
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby avalen » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:32 am

good morning ladies
@Red, glad you had fun, I'm gonna have to put Bandera on my list of places to see when I get on the road. Great picture :D
Doing more than my routine stuff today as I noticed I have two large drawers and 3 small drawers of "misc" stuff to sort through.
Also will get the summer jammies and shorts packed away and ready for storage in the rv. As I sort through more stuff in my room
and prepare for the eventual move, this room will be easy to empty :D Have already packed a box of old tshirts for the goodwill
and put it in the car for dropoff.
Debating with myself whether I want to go to the big rv show this weekend at the Glendale arena. It would be fun to look and since
I have no money, it would also be safe :lol: The only thing holding me back is my gas budget for the week is set to get me through
till Thursday and that doesn't include extra trips to anywhere.
Getting back to laundry, load ready to pull out of the dryer and put the next load in. Ya'll have a great day and be safe. I envy those
on the road but my day will come :D
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby Nasoosie » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:35 am


Sounds like a neat place to visit!

Hope you all have a fun Saturday wherever you may be. The dogs and I are back in my special campsite in St. Cloud for the weekend, as the kids are planning to not be here over Thanksgiving----going on a well-deserved vacation! I will stick around part of the week after next to make sure kitties have litter boxes scooped and plenty of food and water. I love being the caretaker of this RV resort!

In the meantime, I am laying low and waiting for my Social Security check to be deposited on this coming Wednesday! Ava you sound like me at this point!

Happy Saturday to all!
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:43 am

Good Morning All, Great picture, Chris. Looks like a fun place. Sharon, the adventures of SamCat are entertaining. My cat has me trained to lift her up to the dresser to eat. Of course when I am not home she can get up there by herself quite easily. I keep her food on the dresser so Casey can't eat it. I don't need "pill pockets" for Caseys pills as a teaspoon of cat food is the greatest treat in the world!!!
Not much on the agenda today, just cleaning around the condo. Have a great day, lyn

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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby chalet05 » Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:53 am

Good Morning,

These nasty days hit when we don't want them, Sharon! At least it is still warm here. Two nights I wore fleece lounging and then back to shorts.

Red, what fun! You are really a travelin' gal! Ava, you just keep pluggin' away - your day is comin'!! BJ, poor you and poor Elsie! Wouldn't care for the hunting next door. Enjoy your vacation, Soos!

I keep plugging away at things that have been put off the last several months. Spending some time researching truck prices and future trips.

LeRoy has now been back at the Arizona park for two weeks (where I spent the last 3 winters). Unfortunately, his phone works!! I get a nightly call with all the gossip he learned at morning coffee. Driving me nuts. When he got around to telling me what one man's opinion is of another couple's son from photos he saw on FB, I lost it! Those men are worse than most women I know! Doesn't matter what I say about not caring to hear it. My vent for this month :)

Time to see what I can get done today besides listening to a good book!!

Have a great day and safe travels to those on the road. Hope Carolb is taking photos for us!!
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby dayspring39 » Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:39 pm

Good Morning coffee is gone and so is oatmeal…
Yes Anita men are worse gossips than ladies… kind of sucks but maybe your phone could accidentally disconnect! Just be glad he doesn't live with you. my husband was the worse gossip… hated it...
What a great time you had Red… glad you could meet up with friends…
I try to at least read morning coffee… sometimes do not even get here!
Oh Sarah your niece sure has a long road ahead of her… very glad she has you… I will miss my stop there on my way down to FL… from what my family says no stops!! I so love to visit my friends… phooey… however at least I will be in FL for 5 months!
UTI is back with a vengeance getting new med this noon…
Packing is going to take a break today…
have a great day everyone from an old disjointed lady
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby havingfunnow » Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:45 pm

You go, Chris! What fun! :D

I'm feeling much more energetic after three weeks of cold + sinus infections, and the weather is fairly mild this weekend. I might get the new subflooring installed in the van. Wish me luck!
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby Readytogo » Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:11 pm

Good evening ladies! Just watched the Auburn Ga game and nearly had a heart attack! Went to eat , dont know the Ala score yet! For some od reason, Im interested in football this year. Anita, I just have to ask, what about the #0! board game? What about the whip and apron lady? Ya'll have a great night. Wendy
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Re: Saturday in cowboy country

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:54 pm

Lots of cowgirls around here lately! Red, you look good in a saddle! Just need the horse and cowboy! Yeehaw!

Had the day off and been busy working on projects. Well, I got one done, anyways :roll: . Last week I took the memory foam mattress off my bed because it was too hard (even with mattress toppers on it), and replaced it with an air bed, which I love! Then today, I took the futon mattress off my futon (which is even harder and lumpy) and took out all the stuffing in it. Then I cut off a piece of my memory foam mattress (which turned out to be only 1 inch of memory foam and 5 inches of hard regular foam) and stuffed that into the futon cover. Not easy to do, but got it done eventually. Much better than the crap that was in there! So now my back should be happier and less knotted up.

I was also going to put together the two small dressers and night stand I bought the other day, but I am too tired now, so that will have to wait til later this week. Maybe just do one each night.

I have lots more projects on my list for this winter...hopefully will keep me too busy to complain about the cold and snow! :shock: (or not... :roll: )

Today was cool (mid 40's), windy, rainy. Kind of like Sharon's weather, crappy!

Looks like it is time for cookies! Then I will let the fuzzies out for their evening romp, before we all go to bed.
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