Found a pair of loafers and put thin socks on in them, then put long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, and my super-duper L.L. Bean rain coat with a hood, so I was OK to go out.
This did make me realize I need to buy a hat and pair of gloves of some sort, plus some of those thin pull-on rubbers! Glad at least I came in with a full tank of propane. It sure goes fast in this weather. I have a lightweight and medium-weight down comforter tucked under my bed, and only needed the lightweight one. Nice that I planned that way, at least.
Still very cold but the sun occasionally does peek through. They just opened the Wawohna (SP?) road and I am hoping Glacier Point road opens tomorrow so I can take a bus tour. Will not know until morning. At least I got some internet access at the hotel and downloaded papers to work on.
Here's what it looked like yesterday morning: