We made it out of Ohio right before the second blast of snow and freezing rain hit last week. Drove straight south past the ice storms and made it to Knoxville, TN to wake up on Wed to 61 degrees. Short story - Blondie made it to Raleigh, NC by Wednesday nite. Herschel and I spend the week at the state campground at Jordan Lake. It is beautiful and was mostly deserted. Made a run on Saturday to Charlotte to have dinner with my daughter and camp out with the generator in her back yard and then headed back to Raleigh. Picked Blondie up on Tuesday morning (2/3) and tried to get back home before the minus numbers set in. Now we wait and see there wil be puppies. If so - wee all know what I will be doing in April! If I get a chanc I will really try to read through the directions for posting pictures....or cry help to Beth..... And my valueable lesson to share, do not try to wash your cell phone in the washing machine. Just how tired was I last night? Spent the better part of today getting a new phone, returning the new phone, having my older (but look it still works!) phone activated. Hey it may give out in a few months, but that means I can save the money for a few months anyway. Like I said, lots and lots of water is not good for cell phones...