It's officially Friday, so I can open the topic for the day. Sue, your photograph yesterday is beautiful. I so enjoyed your winter photographs last year and hope you will post more this year. Of course, your winter weather is much easier to enjoy sitting here in FL. Don't laugh, but we have a definite chill in the air. I hope it lasts through the week while we are at the Silver Springs GTG.
I have a fun day planned. I was invited to attend an all day conference/celebration hosted by one of the departments I support at work. Breakfast and lunch are included, a key note speaker, break out sessions and prizes. I'll only be able to stay through lunch because I have a meeting already scheduled in the afternoon. Doesn't matter -- it will be fun to do something different. OK, it's off to bed for me so I can get some sleep before heading off to my conference. Best wishes to everyone for a fabulous day.