Gov't shutdown

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Gov't shutdown

Postby havingfunnow » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:36 am

How is everybody managing, with the federal campgrounds and so on closed? Glen from "To Simplify" wrote this today:

I resumed my journey to Lake Powell this morning, where I was shocked to find it closed. Seriously, you can't get anywhere near the water – no small feat considering its size, and I can't help but wonder if the task of enforcing such a closing can possibly be cheaper than whatever they're afraid will happen if the lake was simply left open and unattended. But there I go asking sensible questions of government once again.

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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby FinallyTime » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:10 pm

I feel your pain. I was camping in Yosemite. Had a reservation to Oct 8. Was told to vacate by 3 pm on Oct 3. In my opinion the way the closure was handled was mean spirited, petty and done to cause maximum inconvenince. On Oct 1 the Park Service put sandwich board signs saying "no parking" and cones in all the turn outs and parking areas people use to look at the sights. I guess you were suposed to use blinders and not look at the cliffs or waterfalls. My neighoring camper went to go fishing on Oct 2 and was stopped by a Ranger saying the river was closed. I was riding my bike on a bike trail and was told by a ranger all the bike trails were closed and I had to get off and walk the bike back to my campsight. I told him no way was I walking 4 miles back to the campground and rode off down the highway. He didn't say anything or try to stop me. The volunteer work campers were told to stop all activites and not answer any questions. I guess the government has forgotten the parks belong tothe people.
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby MelissaD » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:34 pm

What I don't understand is when they spend more money trying to shut something down than it cost to leave open. :(

AZ offered to pay to keep the Grand Canyon open and the Fed's said no.

Vet's can't get to their monuments

This one sounds crazy: Fed's try to close ocean

Other than trying to tick people off, I'm not sure what they are accomplishing.
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby snowball » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:38 pm

I live not far from Grand 'Teton National Park/Yellowstone National park in both of them one of the roads is a highway that takes you from a town to another town ie Dubious Jackson Wyo... or Cody Wy to Jackson ...would bet you can't go from Cody to Jackson with out going the very long way around don't think the highway from Dubious to Jackson can be closed as it is not just park (the what we called the interior road yes) but the other you don't go through there pay stations to utilize but seriously the river can't be used so stupid!!!
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby sharon » Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:19 am

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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby snowball » Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:14 am

was at my mom's today and my niece was there who works at the airport which is located in the park but not not owned by the park she said that they have all the pull off areas blocked so you can't stop and take daughter was telling me that they found human poop at one of the areas that you go into the park at guess cause the restrooms were closed?? truly don't understand that one!!! takes all kinds I guess on both sides
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby JanetA » Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:40 pm

I understand perfectly!

Ask an HONEST park ranger and he will tell you,, as some have been telling the public who are posting to facebook,,, the govt told them to make it as unpleasant as possible for the folks! Maddening!

Sure am glad we went thru al these places the week before the closures! THis woulda been ONE MAD old LADY!!!! Roy woulda prob bly had to bail me out of jail!!! or bodily carried me off!


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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:40 pm

This whole thing is ridiculous! They are holding the country hostage just to "win" their point. The cost of this shutdown is horrendous not to mention the inconvenience and struggle they are putting a lot of people (and businesses) thru. I wish they would just s#%t or get off the pot!!! :roll:
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby havingfunnow » Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:27 am

At one time in England, if a jury could not come to an agreement, the judge could confine them to chambers until they came to a decision. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could lock Congress into chambers until they resolved this issue? No news cameras, so nobody could get any benefit from grandstanding. Bread and water diet. Ha!
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby judi » Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:00 pm

Good idea Louise! And no paycheck until they resolve the situation!
I know it's a great inconvenience to be shut out of parks and attractions that are supposed to belong to all of us, not to mention the impact on their supporting surrounding communities. But the financial impact on the tipsy stock market and people who's lives are being turned upside down is really scary. Military families have been cut off from funds to bury their dead soldiers. Really? To me that is nauseating.
Let's hope that it is resolved soon, and that steps will be taken to avoid such a stand-off in the future. And if not, maybe we should all roll up to the capital in our RVs and take over. Mitch, you can be the leader!
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby chalet05 » Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:35 pm

A friend has had his identity stolen and the Federal office it is to be reported to for investigation is shutdown!

I'm a little slow and realized today my Skyline Drive route in Virginia is closed just as Sheila reported Yellowstone roads are.

The military cutoffs make me madder than anything. I'd like to kick some politicians' arses. I don't suppose they furloughed all the servants at the White House or the Secret Service!
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby Nasoosie » Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:34 pm

Absolutely effing unbelievable.....this whole thing makes me want to puke. In fact, I think I will! BWACK!!!
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:25 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: Soos, you are too funny!!! (I think you've invented a new word :roll: )
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby snowball » Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:21 pm

just had a awful thought today...if that shutdown isn't over by the time I head down to Q
where will I park my rig??? as BLM land is gov't ran ...
and what are all those already there doing??
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Re: Gov't shutdown

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:44 pm

snowball wrote:just had a awful thought today...if that shutdown isn't over by the time I head down to Q
where will I park my rig??? as BLM land is gov't ran ...
and what are all those already there doing??

Sheila, here is a link to the Q local paper.
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