I saw a lot of my DH's ex wife since she lived across the road from his mother. He didn't want to deal with her so I was the one that had to talk to her. My son and I helped her move into assisted living. Her sons sure didn't help their mother. Her daughters knew we helped her and thanked us.
Lori, you are just going to have to stay up late. I have been a night owl all my life. If I went to bed before midnight I would be up at 3:00. Wine doesn't help me sleep either. I will fall asleep for a couple of hours and then be up. Maybe I don't drink enough of it.
Anita, if I had know you were going to Ben & Jerry's I would have had you as them why I can find my favorite flavor.
Sometimes I can find it at Target in Lafayette but that takes some advanced planning so it doesn't melt before I get home. I had one of the stock boys half way in the freezer trying to find me one.
CArol, good luck on finding a new doctor. Mine retired 4 years ago. His group had all my records for the last 35 years but there were only 2 doctors in that group I could go to. I finally went to see one of them this year but I was not impressed with him. I'm afraid to see what the fall out is going to be with this new health care act. Blue Cross is dropping the drug plan my DH has. The government can make them take people with pre existing conditions but they can't keep them from stop selling policies altogether.
The company my sister works for has their contract paid until November. Surely they will get their head out of their a$$ before then and do something.
Sharon, it's hard to believe someone doesn't like biscuits. I like them a little too much.
If you ever run across the Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuit Mix try it. I found it at Sam's but haven't looked for it at Walmart. My grandson could really put those away.
The ford place called yesterday and it's the brake rotors that are warped and there is play in the steering wheel. I thought it was probably the rotors from what I found on the internet. I hope they got rid of the service advisor I had in August. He is a doofus and not in a good way like our's.
My DH doesn't want to spend any money to repair a vehicle. I don't want a motorhome as a yard ornament. I have things to do and places to go. I took the old truck and got the trade-in value and got prices of new vehicles and he did nothing. I am done with that.
We are watching the storm in the gulf. It is suppose to go East of us but it will make us very nervous until it goes on shore. I don't think it will get real strong but where ever it goes in is going to get a lot of rain.