This this has been touched on in other threads so here's some basic information to share.
Autoformers: Adjust your voltage to a correct for voltage dips in the supply Example: For more information. There were a few days in Mystic this summer an Autoformer might have done me some good. I need to look into these more.
EMS (Energy Management Systems) commonly know as surge protectors look at several different conditions to try and protect you RV's electronics from power surges, high or low voltage, and even can tell if the power pedestal is improperly wired. Here is a comparison chart These units are either hard wired into you system or they plug into the post and then you plug into them. Some of the hard wired versions like the Progressive Industries have component parts so you can pop out the surge protector that fried saving your electronics and insert a new one without having to replace the unit.
Everything from the refrigerator, TV, tanks level indicators, A/C units, Heat Pumps, microwave etc... have electronic circuit boards not to mentions compressor motors. A $300-400 investment can save you thousands. If you don't have one they are worth taking a look at. I went with the Progressive EMS-HW50C and my dealer installed it for me in about an hour. Pretty sure it's saved me a couple of times.