Have to share....worked at White Castle in Chicago when I was out of school (never had the opportunity for college, etc.) Anyhow, I can tell you this, cause I worked the night shift...(don't know if things have changed since my employment with them), but if you didn't know, there is a basement for storage, bathrooms, changing, etc. Night shift people had to scrub walls, floors, and clean absolutely everything. Their goal was to keep everything shiney, spotless & totally germ free. The parking lots were also swept every night to make sure that part was clean...Before you could be hired by them, you had to get a complete physical & be examined by a doctor. If you weren't healthy in ALL ways, you didn't get hired. BTW, the grills along with everything else on the ground level were also cleaned, polished, scrubbed, etc. every night. The supervisor inspected everything every night to be sure all was up to the high standards WC required. Don't know if they still operate like they did back then, but I hope so. Can only say this, I never, ever saw a bug of any kind there....it was clean! Course back then, coffee was a nickel & burgers were 6 for 99 cents....Guess you can tell how old I am now....