I bought the 3 wheeled bike! Wahoo! I really need to get more exercise as I am of the fluffy build,, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last fall and have a bum knee and hip. I ride my bike so slow that I fear toppling over. Did lots of research and decided on a bike with a 24 in wheel. The collapsible bike only came with a 20" wheel which wouldn't let me extend my leg while riding, the 26" wheel only came in a "single " speed ( my pedaling rate!). So I purchased a 24" wheel 6 speed and with the seat raised quite high I can pedal. Took me a while to get used to it. Kept thinking I would fall and had to tell myself...you can't. The steering on the 3 wheeled is a little different than a bicycle so I take my practice runs. So far have not hit the car, bob cat, or tractor. Cat almost got her tail run over but she decided it was in her best interest to move! I was reminded by observers that I can use the brakes!
I've made several practice runs down the driveway out to the field road and am picking up my skills. I do feel I should be getting some stickers for all my efforts. So if you are on a bike path in central Minnesota and see a "fluffy" women on a bright red 3-wheeled bikeyou best be cautious.