I ordered the folding trike Walmart sells. I don't remember the brand but they only have one folding one online. My son put it together for me yesterday. It seems to be well built. It's easy to peddle on pavement but not so much on our gravel driveway. The folding trikes have 20" wheels so was wondering if one with 24" or 26" wheels would be easier to peddle. I never did find a larger one that folded. I had to put the seat up high so my legs would be straight and I'm not that tall. I will have to get one of the trays if I want to haul it because it won't fit through my motorhome door.
I tried to ride it up the hill our house is on and couldn't make it. I'm not use to a bike with a hand brake so started going backwards. I was laughing so hard I almost ran into a tree backwards. I didn't think I needed a helmet but might have to rethink that.
My DH thinks I should see someone because I might be nuts.
I could feel my knees yesterday after riding it but am ok today.