Are any of you on long-term oxygen therapy? How does it work out with RVing? Solo? Part of a couple?
I've had a scare. Respiratory crisis (head cold --> chest congestion --> bronchitis on top of moderate asthma) put me in the hospital Wednesday night and discharged on oxygen Friday afternoon. I'm holding onto an optimistic outlook that this will end when the cold & bronchitis are resolved, but I'm really worried about it turning into the beginning of long-term oxygen therapy. Those of you who have met me know I'm easily winded, especially when I talk -- which is always! And walking and talking at the same time are nearly impossible for me. Beth, remember our walk along the riverbank? So it's possible I should have been on some oxygen all along. The pulmonologist has never said so, but I think I've probably minimized my symptoms. I have a sense it's my own fault: smoked for 35 years, quit in 2001.
The guy from Lincare assured me I could get a concentrator for the RV with a 50' tether, but I how do I go in and out easily? Seems like that would have to be back and forth concentrator-tank-concentrator-tank. Is this really doable?
Of course I have to turn the O2 off while I'm cooking inside or grilling outside. And what about the packing and unpacking? There are quite a few loads that have to go up and down those 3 steps at the entry. I travel alone and this really has me upset. I'm a weekender for now, but I hoped to be a 3- to 4-months at a time a year from now. So many plans and dreams... And I was just getting started!
I'll know more after my pulmonology appointment on the 11th. Meanwhile, I'm trying to cope with the possibilities, while staying hopeful I can go off the oxygen in a week or so.
Anyone have any first-hand encouragement for me?