AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby ialwaysneedaroadtrip » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:35 pm

Hi Everyone, I just came back from doing a "Test" trip in my new MH.

For 3 nights I stayed at a Resort less than a mile from my house. Fortunately for me the AZ Summer rates were in effect, and it was cheap to stay.
Unfortunately it was also the hottest 3 days this summer so far!

During the day yesterday my AC could get the rig down to 95 degrees, inside. It was 110 - 111 outside.
Last night it went down to 70, and was 82 outside.

I actually froze it up on my second night. Checking the manual I saw it said if I "freeze" it up, I may have caused the compressor to overwork if I have it set on Low Cool, with the air all the way up...which I did have it set that way, that night.
However, I also read that if the humidity goes up during hot weather also, it can cause the AC to freeze up. It's been trying to Monsoon here...and we did have moisture in the air that night also.

Last night I had it on High/High, and it got down to 70...but I didn't dare change it...and it didn't freeze up.

But, now I'm this normal?

Is the AC Overcharged...Undercharged?

Is there anything else that can be wrong...or am stuck with an AC that doesn't work too hard without a problem?

Anybody else go through this when it's super hot and/or humid?
Cindy, 3 dogs, 2 birds, and 1 turtle

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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:02 pm

I was told with my air conditioner that there are 2 vents on the air conditioner that I can open to quickly cool off the MH but because they are right beside the intake vent not to leave them open. That I could freeze up the unit. The other motorhomes I had have had a different kind of air conditioner. When I had the 27' MH the air conditioner didn't cool it as well as the one in the 23' does. I haven't camped in 110 degree heat either. Did your refrigerator work well in that heat?

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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby ialwaysneedaroadtrip » Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:07 pm

Yes...I was also thinking the frig would have a hard time...but it was awesome...the frozen stuff stayed sour milk...nothing. It worked like a champ!

My AC is ducted through-out the I don't see any vents near the actual AC at all...or are you talking about those ducted vents?
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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:24 pm

I was talking about the vent that is on the air conditioner itself. I had to go look and I also have 2 ducted vents beside the air conditioner that I keep closed too. I don't know if I need to or not. My motorhome is only 23' so the 6 other vents keep it plenty cool.

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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby ialwaysneedaroadtrip » Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:28 pm

What's the hottest that you've ever used it in? And how high was the humidity?
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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:05 pm

Well, I live in South Louisiana so the humidity is usually pretty high. I have been out when it was probably around 100 degrees.

Did you have it on automatic where it would go on and off or did it run all the time? 70 at night would be too cold for me.

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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby ialwaysneedaroadtrip » Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:14 pm

I haven't checked if I can put it on some kind of automatic setting...I know there isn't any setting like that on the AC controls itself. Would it be on the thermostat...just like a house? I thought that was just for the heater :?

Yes...70 was too cold for me too, but I was afraid to turn it to Low Cool because when I did that the other night it froze up. I read that Low Cool with Max. air setting made the compressor work too hard, and could cause freezing up.

Cindy, 3 dogs, 2 birds, and 1 turtle

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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby Liz » Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:17 pm

My AC on the Roadtrek froze up in FL heat and humidity and I was told to keep it on high. Never had a problem after that. If it got too cold, I just turned it off awhile.
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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby Excel » Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:19 pm

Just got back from Bakersfield, CA where for the 11 days I was there the temps were between 100 & 112 all the while we were there. At night it would cool down to maybe 85 or so. Had my AC going all the time on high....had no problems & the whole RV kept cool & comfortable. Would turn it down at night when it was cooler but it ran all the time. My dog does not do well in the heat so she was my first priority. I have a class C 1999 26' rear side bed unit made by Born Free...I've never had problems with AC or the frig in hot weather & I've owned the coach for 9 years. But, I keep the shades down, the door window covered with that silver shade made for the door & I have the black out shields that go across my windshield and side doors. That protects my dashboard & I'm sure helps to keep the heat & cold out.
My friends class A Allegro didn't do as well....her front dash air worked intermittently & her house air didn't keep it very cool either. Course she used her stove & oven which I'm sure didn't help. All of us ended up leaving sooner than we had planned as walking out of our coaches was like walking into an oven...and I really don't do well in the heat either. Was happy to get home where we always or most of the time have moderate temps.....but not it was 100 here too and I came back to a heat wave that is way unusual for the Bay area....
Just posting so you have more info.
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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby Bethers » Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:45 pm

When I spent the summer in TX with the heat and humidity, I put the cover over my windows in front, put the heat shade in also, and cut silver stuff for all my other windows. While I like to see out - unless I was in the rig (when I might remove one of them from my LR window) I kept them all in to help with keeping the rig cool. My AC only has controls on it - and is not ducted throughout the rv. I do have a dial for the temp - and at night always turned that down. My fan runs continually if the unit is on, but the ac itself does not -

That said, I've been in houses in the deep south that have trouble with hot weather - a friend went a month never getting the house he was in below 80 degrees. Don't be surprised in that heat that it doesn't cool down more - especially during the day with the sun on it. Chances are the temps on the rig were way higher than the temps they were saying ...
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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby ialwaysneedaroadtrip » Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:52 pm

Yeah...I should have turned it to Low Cool at night, PLUS turned the dial to midway. With these temps...I can't turn it all the way I wouldn't sleep through the night, for waking up to a super sweaty me.

Excel: Yeah the Central Valley is like that...I lived in Stockton for 16 years, and I tell ya; sometimes those summer temps rivaled what we got going here in AZ. Plus there's humidity, too.

Beth: I just bought some of those reflective, insulating shades. I'm going to put them in all the windows, and cut one up for the bunk windows. I also got another vent cushion for the one in the bathroom.

I MIGHT get a block for the skylight in there...but that'll make it really dark. I shouldn't really worry about that, tho as I got a solar panel, and using the light in there (if I change out the bulb for an LED one) shouldn't be a big deal. I ordered 4 LED bulbs. I'll change out the key ones first...and then order more if nec. Those are so expensive, so can only get a few at a time. We had gotten 3 for the trailer, and put them in strategic places... and that was enough.

What is that "black out door shade" that was mentioned?

I don't know how far I'll take this as it's not really fun traveling in scorching Excel mentioned.
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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby avalen » Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:18 pm

I had lived in my fifthwheel for 4 years in Scottsdale. In those extreme summers, my ac ran 24/7 and would only cool
20 degrees from outside temps. I kept all the windows covered with extra blankets and had shade cloth over the sundown side of the rv, which included the door window. I used the ceiling fan and a fan in the bedroom. My ac was ducted through out and
controlled by a wall thermostat as well as my heater. It was a weekly chore to take the filter off and clean it. I don't remember it ever freezing up but it did blow the circuit breaker on occasion and I had to put a new fan motor in at one
point, think that was the third year. Its definitely no fun struggling with the heat in the AZ summer.
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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:42 pm

My air conditioner, heater and heat strip are all controlled by the thermostat. My air conditioner doesn't have any knobs at all. It seems all the RVs have a different set up. If you have knobs on the air conditioner then the thermostat probably only works the heater.

At night I run a little 8" fan just to move the air around so I don't have to have the a/c so cold. If nothing is running it gets stuffy.

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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby ialwaysneedaroadtrip » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:15 pm

You're right, Martha...I double checked; the thermostat just runs the heater, like I thought. It's the same as my trailer. I think also because MINE! is only a 25 footer...the ducting really moves the air around. Now that I did this 3 - day test...I can truly appreciate the feature. Also, I actually prefer sleeping under a quilt/comforter in a cold room, rather than the other way round. The other night when I tried to adjust the temp...I was thinking that I was wasting energy, more than, "Gee, it's kinda cold..."

Ava; I was hoping I'd hear from you! Now, I get why you popped circuits so much! I just now got done lining all the windows with reflective shades...all but the kitchen one, which is small...has blinds, and would be under the awning if I opened it up.
When I first went out there it was 113 inside! OMG...this AZ weather is unbelievable!

And wouldn't you know it...the light glinting off the silver gave me a I did all that work with a migraine. Ugg!

So, tomorrow after the sun's been baking it for awhile...I'm going in to see if it's less than 113 at least!

Ava; What are you living in now?
Cindy, 3 dogs, 2 birds, and 1 turtle

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Re: AC only cools down 12 degrees below outside temps.

Postby avalen » Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:08 am

ialwaysneedaroadtrip wrote:
Ava; What are you living in now?

I put the rv in storage two years ago and have been living with son, but thinking of setting it back up soon in a park
somewhere like Payson or actually Star Valley. So many variables going with doing that I just haven't made up my
mind yet. We should gtg someday.
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