Selling the Roadtrek

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Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Liz » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:41 am

I have a couple questions if anyone knows the answers...

I've had a serious offer on the RT. It came by phone from the friend of a French Canadian man & wife who are in Naples visiting him. He hasn't seen the RT, only the photos. He wants to come up next week to see it after transferring $$$ from his Canadian acct. down here. He will pay cash or cashier's check. He offered to do a direct transfer to my acct which I declined for obvious reasons. I told him I would accept cash at my Credit Union office where I could verify and deposit immediately. I lean toward accepting the cashier's check the same way. I've spoken to his friend three times and he seems legit. I didn't accept his first offer so he waited 2 days and called back with a higher offer. The buyer apparently doesn't speak English...I've heard them talking French in the background as we talked about price. I told him I would not "hold" it if I got a better offer before then. (I've had another couple interested as well.)

So my questions are: Do you think it's ok to accept a cashier's check without being at the credit union?

And I will want to remove my tag and surrender it. Does anyone know how he'll get the RT to Canada w/o a tag? How does that work for someone buying from out of state or country...would the local tag co. issue a temporary tag for a non-resident? Can he drive it w/o a tag as long as he has a bill of sale?
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Bethers » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:49 am

I can't tell you what to do on payment. I paid for my scooter with a money order. Just make sure it's a US money order - Or, if you would feel better, tell him to get cash - as it's being done in person, that should work fine.

As to the tags - those are his responsibility. When I bought my rv, I just had the bill of sale. There are so many days that you have to get it to your state/country - based on their rules - to get licensed, etc.

I hope you sell quickly and get what it's worth.
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:32 am

Liz.....I would accept a Cashier's check written on a US Bank, money order from a US bank, or CASH.....
As far as the tags, etc.....Ernie says for him to get temp. Florida Tags, so he can drive it....and for him to have that tag & registration, bill of sale, insurance, and title to the "B" to cross the border and to re-register it in Canada......

Hope this helps....

And congrats, on your new "house on wheels"....
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Bethers » Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:52 pm

Those temporary tags are interesting things. Both states I checked with only give those to dealers - individuals purchasing from individuals just need the bill of sale. But if FL gives them - then he probably can get them. Or some states have temporary tags that you are given when you register it and they don't have the plates there but mail them to you - which he couldn't get because he's not registering in FL.

Not trying to confuse this - but seriously, as a private purchase, you are not responsible for what he needs -

I know when I bought my rv, I bought it from someone in IL, was living in WI - and it got tagged about 15 days later in Alabama - I traveled with my bill of sale only. I had to follow the AL rules, as that's where I needed a tag. This man has to follow Canada's rules - as that's where he's going to have to tag it. But if FL will provide him with a temp tag even tho he's not going to get a permanent one in FL, then I suppose that would be an ok thing to have.

And here it is from the FL website:
Non-residents also are eligible to secure a temporary license plate for "in-transit" purposes if they purchase a vehicle in Florida and want to drive it back home. However, proof of insurance (from Florida or home state) and sales tax in the amount required by the home state must be paid. If you feel you may be eligible for a temporary license plate, inquire through your local tax collector's office or the regional DMV office that serves your area.

Again, that's hard to do - as this was based mainly on purchases from a dealer - who would take care of the sales taxes, etc - which your purchaser will not be paying until he gets to Canada.

I'd leave all that up to your buyer to figure out :)

Ernie mentions registration - which he can't get till he gets to Canada or where ever he intends to register it. I'm sure he doesn't want to do that twice.
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Liz » Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:57 pm

Thanks, I called him back after your first response and asked him to pay by US money order, so that's settled. I'll give him the info from DMV if he wants it.
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby MsBHaven » Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:01 pm

I bought Ms"B"Haven in Alabama and drove her back to TN without a tag. Paid sales tax and got a plate when we arrived at home. To the best of my recollection I had no other choice because I couldn't get a temporary tag in either Alabama or Tennessee.
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby islandmomma » Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:33 pm

Yes, he must get a temporary plate from the state in which the vehicle was purchased. He will not be allowed to enter Canada without a plate. I am quite certain of that! Usually this coverage extends long enough to allow some time to reach the border without coverage expiring. I think I had three or four weeks but this may have been because I purchased "binding insurance" in Canada before I left to pick up the coach.

Tell him as well to contact the US customs before he tries to drive it home and to provide paperwork to the US side at least 3 business days in advance to allow the export of a US vehicle into Canada. Otherwise he will be held up at least that long at the US side of the border to allow US officials time to insure there are no questions re title or other issues with the vehicle. I had to wait almost five days because I arrived on a Wednesday. He can pre-request the form required from US customs and fax it along with bill of sale, VIN (vehicle number) and registration to the border he expects to cross at. The subsequent Canadian 'hurdles to jump" can be even more cumbersome before a vehicle is authorized to be registered as a Cdn vehicle, however, and eligible for insurance (maybe do not tell him that as it may put him off but, for me, the whole process just in Canada required over two months, including making modifications to the coach like equipping with daytime running lights that are mandatory here and dealing with recall notices on various aspects of US manufacturing that did not meet Cdn standards)). He can contact the Feds in Ontario re Importing a Vehicle into Canada. He can also get info re which vehicles are likely to be the most problematic to make them conform (e.g. if some parts are manufactured in non-US areas like Mexico); it is a multiple stage process once he gets across the border and he must immediately (first town) switch from US temp (paper) plates to Canadian temporary (paper) plate good only for that day. He can go to any insurance agent once across the border. As I said, I believe that he can pre-purchase "binding insurance" as well that enables him to pay nothing additional for this initial plate, allowing him to get the vehicle home safely and without major cost before conformity to Cdn standards is ensured.

He must pay US sales tax in the state in which he purchased the vehicle but this cost can sometimes be recovered by later making an appeal to the authorities of the particular state, once he has paid the (what tends to be roughly equivalent) sales tax in his Province, Quebec. I did not get a refund from AZ as more than 3 months had elapsed by the time all the criteria were met here... Oh well, our dollar was at a par with US in the summer so I already had saved a bundle!! He needs to contact the state authority and provide proof of payment of PST (provincial sales tax) that he will pay once the vehicle is approved for licensing in Canada in addition to the GST (general federal sales tax) that he will have to pay at the border the day the unit comes into Canada. One is 6%, one is 7% (of the Canadian sale price) but I forget which is which...

A cashier's cheque or money order is like cash and should not raise any real flags. Good luck on this sale, Liz!!

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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Gentleladybear » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:59 pm

Liz contact the tag office and they can tell you what should be done. I bought a car in Michigan, they gave me a temporary tag, I drove it to Florida and transferred my plates here to the new car. But since he is taking it out of the country, best to get the information straight from the tag office.

Where did you advertise your unit to sell it so fast, might be interested in knowing how you did that.
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby retiredhappy » Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:46 pm

Liz, there have been a rash of counterfeit cashier's checks and money orders. If it were me, I would insist on cash just to err on the side of caution. I'm sure he's probably okay BUT!!!!
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby islandmomma » Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:53 pm

The banks use wired confirmations now and nothing is released or final until something like 3 days have elapsed...Of course, exercise caution and make sure your own receiving bank is involved so they are responsible :)....


PS looked a little further and got this link for your buyer... if he is interested. I am currently fighting with US Customs over my dog's prescription dog food while travelling in the US LOL. It is Cdn-made and contains no beef...actually is mainly cottage cheese and poultry LOL, poor thing. No reply to email X 10 days so next comes phone calls... :) I am persistent!
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Liz » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:17 pm

I'm beginning to get concerns about possible scam. If he's legitimate he's going to think I'm nuts for changing my mind about how I would want to be paid again. I've already decided that I'll insist that the transaction take place at my Credit Union, but if he brings a fake cashiers check or money order, I might not know until it's too late. He offered cash US or Canadian to which I said US $ was fine but mentioned dealing at the credit union and got hesitation about that. He also suggested wire transfer which sent up a red flag and I refused that immediately. Didn't know about fake cashier ck/ money order.

So far I've given him my name (for cashier's check) and address to come view the RV. I'm beginning to think that may have been a mistake. Should have said to meet at the CU.

I have the name of the friend & a phone number, but when I asked for the buyer's name to make up a Bill of Sale, he wouldn't give it to me until he talked to the buyer.

So, when he calls again next week and gives a day to come....should I say forget it? Should I tell him to bring cash only? I'll definitely ask my neighbor to come over when they come, and if he wants to buy it, I'll insist the transaction be at the CU. What do you think?

I have another person interested more locally; been answering questions by Email...hopefully they'll decide to buy it first.

I advertised on as well as 2 similar websites for Gainesville & Orlando.
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Mollysmom » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:46 pm

If it were me - I'd call him and tell him you've changed your mind and are keeping it or tell him you've sold it. Trust your gut - it's usually right.
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Liz » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:51 pm

I just googled the friend's name and got a legitimate address and land-line phone in Naples where he said he lived...if he were bogus I would think he would not have given his real name and location.
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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:44 pm

I think I would talk to the credit union and ask them what they think about the transaction. Would they be able to confirm that a money order was good? There are some funny things going on these days. My son's landlord got scammed by someone trying to rent an apartment.

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Re: Selling the Roadtrek

Postby dcricket » Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:19 am

I have to concur with Martha's recommendation and talk with your credit union for advice. You never know these days with all the easy ways for people to scam ya.
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