well, its done, family is there caring for my friend although they are all spattin over who's spending the night, its not me.
I'm holed up in a Comfort Inn and getting comfort of my own .....wendys, fries and a strawberry tea. I'm going to get some
much needed rest tonight after I take a nice hot bath. I certainly have no regrets helping my friend and of course the family too cause my being there gave them a much needed rest. However, enough is enough and I've got a little time to vacation
before I have to return to work. I know very well what they all went through with her over the past year. So on to better
times for me
For now, I have no idea which way I'm gonna go, I wanted to go up through I 70 into Glenwood Springs however I had a gut
feeling to not take my little 4 cylinder over the continental divide. I tend to follow my gut when that happens. So its back
to my original plan to go to Showlow and spend some time with friends there. Its suppose to be really hot...like 116 in
Phoenix thursday and friday so I would much rather deal with 85 in Showlow cause at least it cools off at night. For now
thats the plan and then the drive home from there is just 3 hours for which ever day I decide to go home.
Hugs to you all for listening to my problems all this month, its just good to have a sounding board sometimes. You all
are fabulous. I promised my kids that I would NEVER do that to them, when its time for me to go into a nursing home,
I will gladly go and let someone take care of me, and of course that will be after I hang up the keys for good.