Friday Welcome Summer

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Friday Welcome Summer

Postby carolb » Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:51 am

Good morning all! :D

Beautiful morning, sunny, blue sky, mild temp-- & I will stay awake long enough tonight to enjoy the LONGEST day!!! :P Yesterday was also perfect, so I headed out to the yard first thing. Well, that was after reading posts--which was early--then FORGOT to post myself :roll:

Yahoo, peoples mobilizing for the PA gtg! Looking forward to seeing Tina, Irmi, & of course the "smilies"!! Can't remember who all else will be there. I'll be there about mid week, just for a day or so, but can't wait! Started prepping the HarBor yesterday. And hope my strawberries ripen before I leave so I can bring them along--otherwise, they'll be bird food while I'm gone :evil: Really late ripening this year since it's been so cool....

Okay, happy first day of summer to all! Have a great day & as always, SAFE travels!! 8-)
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:28 am

Good morning, all, from the woods... :D

Lots to do today.....defrost and clean a "stinking" fridge....the only way I can figure out what the source of the smell, so will get busy with that... :roll: Then pick up the "house on wheels" and put the ham and bean soup for the crew this evening.....seems family and friends have decided that to night would be the best time for a "going away" at the campground....which leaves tomorrow and Sunday to get ready to hit the road....we plan to leave here Monday about 11am for Ferryboat and fun, food, and lots of memories with the gang.... ;) :D

Spent yesterday morning at the VA for follow-up tests and then came back to do laundry in the slept like a I'm ready for the day...

Can't wait to see everyone next week.....Tina and Carolb are ready to hit the trail for PA....with some arriving on Sunday, us and Irmi & Steve arriving Monday...It's going to so much fun.... ;)

And only 3 more days until we have cell service and internet without having to leave the 5er and campground.... :roll: ;)

Okay, better get my butt in gear...Have a great day, all....
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby Paulette » Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:45 am

Morning all...I too am getting excited for the gtg! It's all the prep to get there that will be stressful...two cats, don't forget the litter box, one puppy, don't forget the new travel crate...oh yea, food, clothes, etc!

Had one of my leveling jacks get stuck in the down position in my driveway, so my mechanic made a house call for me, spent half an hour playing with the levelers and charged me nothing! Yep, he is a great guy...honest as the day is long. If anyone in this area ever needs a good mechanic, pm me and I'll give you his contact information. He is great!

Oh, and on July 2nd, daughter, gd and I are flying out to California to spend a week with son #2. So, I'll have a day and a half to get everything ready for that trip! Luckily I found a pet sitter that Will come stay here with the animals while I am gone! She is a vet tech at the vets where I take them, so it should work out perfectly for us all! I was really worried about having to board the thankful I don't have to do that!

This will only be my second trip out in the new rv, so I'm looking forward to getting away in my home away from home!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby brendac » Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:56 am

Good morning and Happy Summer to all.

I am back from my trip to Canada. Had a great time with family and friends. Getting the 5th wheel ready for the PA gtg. Today is washing the rig day. It has been sitting in the driveway under some mighty oaks for the past year. Although I did wash it a few times once again it is very grungy. The fridge is on and all systems are go. Can anyone tell I am excited about this gtg. Looking forward to meeting great people and making good memories.

Safe travels to those on the road. Have a great day. Brenda
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby Liz » Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:08 am

Good morning all!

I sure will miss being at the PA gtg this year....I can feel the excitement. I can't wait to see the pictures and hear about the trouble you get into, lol.

But Soos and I are making our own fun here in the Adirondacks. Soos is modest about it, but she truly has a five-star estate here in the mountains. Beautiful views, many trails through the woods, a picturesque pond and cabin, and a wonderful family. I have enjoyed watching the antics of little Orion; he's such a cutie, and very smart.

Soos and I had a great hike to the top of Mt. Baker in Saranac Lake yesterday. The skies were clear and the view was gorgeous of the mountains and lakes. More adventure planned for today.

Hope everyone has a nice day this longest day of the year. Today is my daughter's birthday. I thought it was the longest day for sure the day she was born. I had been in labor 36 hours, lol.
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby Colliemom » Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:09 am

Good Morning Lori, Carolb and all,

I can feel the excitement in the air as people get ready to head for the PA GTG. Should be lots of fun and I as well as those of us who can't make it, will be looking forward to the pictures and tales of the week. Carolb is getting her "Harbor" ready and Tina is also getting things ready to hit the road. I'm sure Steve, Irmi and those who are going are getting ready as well.

In the meantime, Soos and Liz are having a grand time in NY, climbing mountains and seeing the sights in Soos' area.

As for me, I getting ready to host Maggie for the weekend, well, it will be a short weekend as she won't be here till later on Saturday, but we will have Saturday night and all day Sunday/Sunday night before she heads over to Traverse City and gets ready for what she calls a "wild" family time :lol: And with quite warm weather moving in, I've been busy doing things in the yard so I can sit back and not have to get out there mowing grass and what not in the hot sun. Rain showers on the forecast for today, so glad to get that done. Also have 3 coats of varnish on the table now.

CArol, sorry to hear about the mess you had when you got home, but you are going to have to do better than that to top me. When I got home in January from a month in the U.P. I had a foot of snow on the ground and at least 10 tress down and branches all over from the major snow storm that hit the area in December while I was gone. Needless to say it was a mess and fortunately thanks to a thaw I was able to get it all cleaned up with some elbow grease from myself and tree service companies to the tune of $800. I still have one spruce that needs to come out and a few other things that could be cut, but will deal with that in the fall.

Donna, sounds like you need LIz over to your house. She's good with "cecluttering" and getting rid of stuff. Well, I can get ruthless too if need be.

Sorry to hear that some of you are losing posts before you can get them in here. Make a copy of it before you post and then you can recover it easier. I do that all the time.

Ava, sounds like you are having quite some experiences while you are with your friend. You are such a great friend to be doing what you are doing and I'm sure the family is grateful to you even if they don't show it.

Don't remember who it was who asked if my TT deal fell through. Yes it did, for the moment. It's a case of uncertain deliver date from the manufactuer and also that I am going to be gone till almost mid July if not longer. I can zip back over there if and when it does come in, if I am still interested in it at that time. My original plan when I sold my other TT was to wait two years before getting another rig and I may just do that as this summer is getting busy and I have events and places I want to go see that are day trips form here. There are some new models coming out with the next model year which his starting now so will do some more research to see what's out there or going to be.

Well, time to get moving around here. Not doing much today, mostly just puttering around here. Need to install the window A/C units before the warmer, humid air moves in for the weekend. Have a great day all and for those of you who are traveling, drive safe and enjoy.
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby havingfunnow » Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:15 am

I love the longest day! I'll probably end it at the outdoor jazz festival, just to celebrate. I have this fantasy of starting in the subtropics for winter solstice and ending up in the far north for summer solstice. Florida to Alaska, say, or perhaps the Aegean to Finland. Or, hey, why not both?

Okay, enough fantasy. Time to get in gear. Everybody have a wonderful weekend! :D
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby Redwahine » Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:22 am

Happy summer solstice!! Longest day of the year. I remember a few solstices spent dancing in the fields in Big Sur back in the sixties :lol: We are just beginning to have the really hot, sticky summer days. It was up to 99 yesterday and really muggy. I was out running extension cords from RED to the out building. Experiencing some electrical problems plugging her into the house. Probably too many air conditions. Every building has one. :lol: :lol: We dug the trench, pulled the wire through the conduit and buried it all. Electrician coming Tuesday to hook up the 30 amp service for RED (and guests or house sitters!) I really got over heated and dehydrated yesterday. :? So, I'm taking it easy and drinking lots of fluids today!

All the excitement for the PA gtg. Very envious and wish I could be there. Looking forward to hearing the stories and seeing the pictures. Everyone have a great day and stay safe. Aloha y'all
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby BirdbyBird » Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:19 am

And the longest day...reminds me of last summer boondocking on the Chena River in Alaska north of Fairbanks, with Nan and Liz......and the sky never did get dark! :) It was beautiful! Right up there in "Likes" with our stay at Kelly Lake!

....and the noisy Ravens that were fighting over invisible eatables all night long that "might" have been left behind in and old campfire from the weekend before.... :roll: Really, all I saw were rocks! :shock:
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby SoCalGalcas » Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:46 am

Good Morning All, Yes, today is the longest day....and, this Sunday is the SuperFullMoon of the year!!

Got the condo nice and clean for the arrival of the daughter and son-in-law. We will have a great time for the 8 days they are here. Lots of visiting with the family. A big party on the 4th.

several birthdays including my youngest Grandson today. Happy Birthday to all. My oldest Grandson was born on Dec 21st.

One year I arrived at Stonehenge on July 7th. The place was trashed by the people celebrating the solstice. Guess now the area is fenced off.

Going to the library today to pick up some more books. I haven't read one lately that is good enough to post on the forum!


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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:46 am

Good Morning !! It is for a short time yet. Everyone is so busy, getting ready for trips , GTG's, so much excitement going on, it's great !! I'm already for my trip after meds LOL. Time for a break and so glad I decided to see what is happening with all the Sistah's. I love reading of so many doing happy things, a real boost for my spirits. Not sure what is down the line for me, my mind has me going in so many different directions , have a list of things to do first, so not getting in a tizzy about any possibilities yet.

Mowed yesterday, 1/2 the place, the other half needs bush hogging after the tree is cleared up. Today piling up trash for a trip to dumpster Saturday, trying to get some order inside. Will gather things up to take to friends for yard sale she wants to have and feels she doesn't really have enough to set out. Boy, can I help her out with that :lol:

Contacted our new Sistah in. Cleveland yesterday, plan to call her when I'm over that way for RV repairs. She responded with a big surprise, but will let her tell you all :D

No real news, mostly wanted to say Hi and to thank you all for really boosting my spirits up this morning,
Have a great day, stay safe.

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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby avalen » Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:50 am

good morning, just checking in during a few free moments trying to help friend in the sit up position, its a work in
progress, one little step at a time. She's been on Prednisone for 30 years so needless to say, her bones are very
very "crispy" She's very fragile and they are trying to replace the pred with something else, but the good news is that yesterday we got the call for the long term care to come in.
It will certainly give the family and me some relief and I will then have a little time to go do some sightseeing
without guilt. I do have a couple museums on my list I want to go meander through. It will be a great stress release
for me as sitting and watching someone crying in pain is not easy and she is on some very heavy duty pain killer.
Enough of that talk, ya'll have a great day and be safe.
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby Sandersmr » Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:08 am

I'm busy doing laundry and deciding what to pack - packing for two weeks when you are moving from spot to spot is always so much fun. I'm thinking of packing 2 smaller suitcases so I don't have to haul the big suitcase in and out of the car trunk so many times. Tomorrow I will be meeting Sue in person. I'm excited!

Sounds like many are getting ready to be on the move to the PA GTG - what fun that sounds like! Maybe next year!
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby JudyJB » Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:26 am

I am roasting in Kansas another day at Cedar Bluffs State Park. I got a lot of work done in the last two days and even had some time to read. When I started full-timing, I figured I would have lots of down-time to read. As it has worked out, I read at night in bed, but have had very little time otherwise with teaching half-time on the road, so it was nice to have some time with little to do.

I need to finish one PowerPoint presentation today so that I can narrate it next week. One problem with teaching adults is that I have to be especially careful to do those things right that I use as criteria to grade THEIR presentations!! This means watching type size and organization and also narrating it without sounding like I am reading from a script. This will take some practice. :lol: My grad students turn in a narrated presentation, and they are in their 30s to 50s and working in business supervisory positions so tend to catch me at errors, which keeps me on my toes, to use a cliché I would not allow them to use! (They are polite because the college requires "professional behavior," but they will notice things.) So, I have work to do today to set a good example. ;)

Supposed to be 99 today, and no shade here, but the AC managed yesterday to keep me fairly cool. Not used to this heat, so no bike rides today. Slept in this morning, but will need to get on the road very early tomorrow so I can stop at Dodge City on my way to my next spot. Desperately need a haircut, also, so will be looking for places to get a haircut where I can park this big vehicle.
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Re: Friday Welcome Summer

Postby bluepinecones » Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:29 am

Good Morning.
Sounds like everyone is really busy and so many getting ready to go somewhere. Think I'm getting a bit jealous.

The tomato bandit struck again yesterday. Am giving serious thought to the trap suggestion Martha posted a few days ago. Two problems: 1) A little fearful of what I might catch and 2) what to do with the critter as it is not legal to relocate wild critters in the city.

I'm still dealing with dizziness/ear problems. Have been diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). Basically dizziness that occurs suddenly and is generally short-lived and is associated with particular head positions. Treatment for now involves head movement exercises to relocate little crystals in inner ear. Never heard of BPPV but ENT says it is not all that uncommon especially following an ear infection or head injury..

Looks like the Cake-Lady was up early to get double baking done this morning. All the birthdays here should help keep her out of trouble.

Have a great day.
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