Woke up this morning to my power going out and then back on. It did this four or five times in about 30 minutes, but seems to have stopped now. I checked my cords, but then called office and found out it was entire campground. Can't be too much usage because there are only a handful of us here in Cedar Bluff State Park in central Kansas. This is about 10 miles from I 70, but is really empty country around here with a definite prairie feel. In fact, nearest other camper is at least 800 feet away in another loop. Really, really windy here, and going to be 98 later today.
Not much posting lately because I have been busy trying to catch up with end of semester stuff and getting ready for a new semester that starts Monday. (No rest for the wicked!) Spent a ton of time yesterday fixing some bad questions on the final exam (I inherited this class this past semester) and adjusting scores. Need to turn in grades later today and prepare some materials for next week. Also got to call insurance company and order prescriptions, plus balance my checkbook. Got a ton of laundry to do, but that will have to wait for a couple more days until I get to civilization.
I came in here on Tuesday after driving through a horrible rain/hail/wind storm on the freeway. Reports say winds were 50-60 MPH and I thought I would get blown off the road but managed to drive slowly, following another RV, to an exit and a bunch of us parked along the exit ramp until the hail stopped and the winds slowed down. Hail was almost marble size--but no damage that I can see. I need to get someone to inspect roof.
My medical issues seem to be solved. No more bloody urine and no pain, so whatever was passed, is gone and solved, which is good. Feeling good. I will be in Colorado Springs overnight this Sunday and then headed to a campground near Gunnison where my cousin is workcamping. He's been full-timing for 8 years with his wife, and I have not seen him for several years. Nice to have 29 first cousins, although some I lost contact with decades ago, but at least while I travel around, I can stop and visit those I do keep in contact with. This one is only two years younger than I am and grew up half a block away from me. (He is the only other person who talks to my brother who has had lifelong substance abuse problems and who now has serious health issues, so it is nice to have someone to compare notes with.)
Updated my blog with photos of my last few days. URL is
http://grandmajjb.blogspot.com/ if you are interested.