Ah...makes sense.
I wish all we had to do was back into "a" driveway. No...we gotta get it behind the gate with a few inches on each side (fence and house eve) to watch out for, or the neighbors (funny...there are huge boats and 35' 5th wheels on the streets all over this neighborhood) will call the city on us.
If I get my own MH...likely I'll have to pay storage, too...it won't fit in that space...too narrow and low, because of the low-hanging eve.
But "stuff" happens, right? Once in Morrow Bay, CA. He was so excited to get to the beach ("Things" happen to your brain from living in AZ for too long
) he forgot to all the way unhook, and the bar that the hitch sits on got yanked. Fortunately, the people in the office were able to help us out. You meet the nicest folks while RVing!
Thanks for the welcome, Red from TX! What kind of a MH do you have...it sounds so complicated?