by kelpie » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:02 pm
As many of you know, I was supposed to leave this morning to start my trip to S. Texas for the winter. Went to the storage place yesterday to bring rig home and she wouldn't start. My son and I who had never done this before by ourselves managed to jump it with only 2 phone calls. I brought her home and left engine running to help charge battery and warm up interior a little as I loaded her up. Later on, other son came over to help mount scooter rack and load scooter and said we needed about 8 more inches clearance from the garage. Wouldn't start. I seriously procrastinated about getting my scooter rack ordered and it just didn't llok like that was going to happen. So, after remembering my vow to quit sweating the small stuff, I decided I'd leave without scooter if I had to. Got up early-ish this morning and started making calls. Did you all know that battery places don't deliver - go figure! If ever a business would seem to need house calls, I'd think that would be the one. Anyway, called a friend to come help since I don't know anything about hooking or unhooking batteries. He said he'd come after he did some errands. With one thing and another, including temp of about 12 degrees we didn't get done til after 1 p.m. Was originally planning on driving about 4 1/2 hours today and leaving so late would probably have caused me to hit the two cities at p.m. rush hour so decided to postpone departure til morning. Got scooter rack on and scooter is sitting and waiting for my son to show up and help me load her. I'm sure S. Texas is fine without me and will be patiently awaiting my arrival a day later. I'm just grateful that this happened while I was still home and knew where to go and had friends to help instead of needing to depend on the kindness of strangers along the way.