Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Olive600 » Sun May 19, 2013 1:23 pm

Work is going slower than I anticipated, today. Had to scrape and dig at loose silicon seal around the shower. Then, of course, I had the bright idea of removing the accordion shower door because I'll never use it. Lots of sticky stuff left behind, but elbow grease and chemicals will take care of that. Now I'm waiting to borrow a neighbor's drill for some stubborn screws. Doesn't look like I'll get the bathroom painting finished today. No worries. I got nothing but time.


Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Bethers » Sun May 19, 2013 3:03 pm

It's funny - I thought I'd had that accordion door, but have gotten to love it... never thought that would happen. Do not look forward to the mess taking it down would make, so don't envy you that ... but bet it'll look great when you're done.

Oh, and while our rigs started out looking almost identical, yours is going to look so very much different from mine when you're through! Fresher, cleaner, etc ... I'm so impressed.
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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Olive600 » Sun May 19, 2013 4:29 pm


Beth, now you tell me. I just finished ripping it out. Too funny. I probably would like it in time, but right now I can't imagine using it, so out it goes. I've tried using it and found I prefer to sit on the ledge and wash. There isn't enough water pressure or spray to cause steam or a mess. Besides, the big hole gives me an excuse for draping yet more fabric. Who knows how this will turn out; I'm making it up as I go along. Here are a few more pics. Does anyone have a suggestion for getting rid of all the sticky stuff? I know about the Goo Gone and WD40, etc. I'm looking for something more like a solvent. Is that the right word? Like I said I'm making this up as I go along. My latest brainstorm is to paint the shower stall like a fish tank, a mural sort of thing. I'm no artist, but I'll bet I can do something cartoonish. Or why not laminate? Make it look like a granite cave? Nah, way too expensive. But I think I'm onto something. Gawd this is fun. Another brainstorm! I can glue seashells all over it! Not the floor or the seat. Nah. Again too expensive. I'm open to ideas. The whackier the better. Now, as promised, pics



Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby avalen » Sun May 19, 2013 5:21 pm

I took out my accordian too. I hated it, it wouldn't stay shut anyway when I wanted it to and I really preferred
to be able to sit on the edge of the tub. Mine left some residue too but not as much as in your pic. Chemicals
and a lot of elbow grease with a plastic scraper did the trick. Can't remember what I used, but goo gone rings
a bell. Do remember buying it at Home Depot though.
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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Olive600 » Sun May 19, 2013 7:40 pm

Thanks, Avalen. Took awhile to find my plastic scraper, but I just did. It was in the car. Tomorrow will be a lot of scraping.

Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby mitch5252 » Sun May 19, 2013 7:41 pm

Olive600 wrote:...Tomorrow will be a lot of scraping.

Bet a hairdryer would help...

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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby bluepinecones » Sun May 19, 2013 10:09 pm

Impressive makeover you have going there.
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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Nasoosie » Mon May 20, 2013 8:13 am

How exciting to watch this makeover via your photos! Thanks so much for sharing this process with us! I am considering trying to update my old trailer when I get back home this summer----not pretty stuff modifications, but getting plumbing re-connected and working, and perhaps replacing tires a couple at a time. I love that old trailer, and it has more space inside than this new one----it is also much lighter!
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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Olive600 » Mon May 20, 2013 11:39 am

Thanks again, everyone. Having your support makes this project more fun. Today I'll clean up the mess I've made the past couple days. I keep finding things to tear up, so I keep making more mess rather than seeing the kind of progress I expected. I need to ask the guy who has the couches if he can keep them longer than I expected. I'll post pics as soon as there's something new to show.


Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Olive600 » Mon May 20, 2013 3:33 pm

It took about 2.5 hours of coaxing and scrubbing, but the sticky stuff is completely gone. Mitch, thanks for the hair dryer suggestion. I think it helped. Once the hair dryer and a plastic scraper got rid of the big pieces and I was down to residue, I used WD40, the scraper, and a magic sponge. Took some elbow grease and a lot of WD 40, but it's done. Yay! Also got the shower surround re-caulked. I think it's an OK job for my first attempt. I'll clean up all the mess this afternoon, let the caulk dry overnight and paint tomorrow. At least I hope so. I'll post a pic when the mess is cleaned up, later this evening. (Is a pic of a shower with no gunk overkill? :lol: )


Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon May 20, 2013 5:27 pm

Nikki, if you haven't figured out....many of us are easily entertained by the hard work of others. :lol: Some actually get inspired. :) And then there is Mitch..... :roll: We aren't always sure what she is about...but our day is brighter because..... :o
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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Olive600 » Tue May 21, 2013 3:32 pm

Thanks for the reminder, Tina. Pics coming soon. I haven't done any real work yet today. I've been thinking about what I want to do with the shower stall. Seems that leaving it alone isn't an option. As I've said, I don't take real showers in it so water spray is limited. There's no humidity to speak of, and because I travel with just Olive, who doesn't seem to get the whole clothing thing, I can leave the bathroom door open to vent what little humidity there might be. Thus and theretofore, I have decided to spray paint the entire shower surround and little tub with outdoor plastic spray paint. Why not? I'll mask off the entire bathroom, take down all the stuff attached to the surround, and just spray the heck out of it. Of course I have a more elaborate plan, but that's a secret until the pics. Wish me luck. As Shelly says, "I'm goin' in." (That just cracks me up! I love it!) :lol:

Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby BirdbyBird » Tue May 21, 2013 4:41 pm

Nikki, you mentioned lack of water pressure. I changed out my shower head for an oxygenic shower head. (Mitch or Beth will save my spelling if necessary, please?) It really does make a difference and I actually use my shower now. I also replaced the original shower rod with one of the extended rods that angles out. Me, being so un-petite, I can now shower without feeling like my elbows are bumping up against everything. You still may want to take the side of the little tub "bath" but even with that you might appreciate the upgrade in the shower head....
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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby MelissaD » Tue May 21, 2013 6:25 pm

Yes on the Oxygenics shower head. We had really weak flow on the original shower head so I swapped it out for the Oxygenics shower head. There is also a flow restrictor in most showers that if you remove or drill it out gives you a much better shower. Since the Oxygenics head restricts flow to 2.6 gpm (?) you'll still conserve water but get a decent shower.

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your make over.
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Re: Betsy Is Getting a Makeover

Postby Olive600 » Tue May 21, 2013 7:52 pm

So I should drill something out and get the Oxygenics shower head? Or getting the Oxy means I don't have to drill something out.


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