Beth, now you tell me. I just finished ripping it out. Too funny. I probably would like it in time, but right now I can't imagine using it, so out it goes. I've tried using it and found I prefer to sit on the ledge and wash. There isn't enough water pressure or spray to cause steam or a mess. Besides, the big hole gives me an excuse for draping yet more fabric. Who knows how this will turn out; I'm making it up as I go along. Here are a few more pics. Does anyone have a suggestion for getting rid of all the sticky stuff? I know about the Goo Gone and WD40, etc. I'm looking for something more like a solvent. Is that the right word? Like I said I'm making this up as I go along. My latest brainstorm is to paint the shower stall like a fish tank, a mural sort of thing. I'm no artist, but I'll bet I can do something cartoonish. Or why not laminate? Make it look like a granite cave? Nah, way too expensive. But I think I'm onto something. Gawd this is fun. Another brainstorm! I can glue seashells all over it! Not the floor or the seat. Nah. Again too expensive. I'm open to ideas. The whackier the better. Now, as promised, pics