Roadweaver - Go get yours, Louise - stop procrastinating!
Mitch - I'm with ya, sistah! I'll back you all the way to the trial. (That's it. After that you're on your own!)
Marda - Yes, I'm pretty excited about being a Washington State senior.
Lori - Even with the Senior Pass, someone in the party still needs to be current or former Military, right?
What's been holding me back for a couple of years was my thought that I had to get it at a National Park. Those are in short supply around Spokane. (Granted, I could have gotten it by mail like you,
Red, and the extra fee still only makes it $20.) Then I learned there are all kinds of places that have it. If you can find your magnifying glass and work your way through these pages, here's a link to EVERY place in the US that sells the pass: I found a BLM office here in Spokane that has it.