We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

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We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby Barbzeee » Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:28 am


WE did it again ! It's now officially Tuesday..and it is morning..I can see it sneaking in....and we're gonna be watching really close for Beth...and knowing she's gonna be getting out a town...is what counts today !....I had the TV on Weather Channel all night long...so that every time I got up .. I was knowing where that Dolly was... :roll: Speaking of which

Almost There (Lenora) brought up a great topic... Insurance on your belonging... Learned this one first hand.. when someone broke into my Rig years ago... I had to show proof of what I had.. Now..I just couldn't believe that I had to have pictures and sometimes asked for receipts..but it's a fact jack .. It's important to take pictures in side your rig of things that you have.. the insurance company looks for them.. and gets you quicker response to your claim..(hoping ya never have any) So you can bet...(ya just had to see how many pictures I took of the inside of my rig..) I took them dang pictures and when I buy something.. like just recently I bought the portable ice maker I have the instructions book and the receipt in the same plastic zip lock.. no more guess work.. So Lenora you did good !

Poor Carold (Carol) She's exhausted.. mmmmm maybe some good strong coffee will help ya ..LOL You know when we are happy we're gabby.. like a kid with a new toy...cepting here..everyone is just so thrilled with how it's such a neat place and the layout is pretty darn cool.. and look you can walk to all areas..and just laugh your butt off...Now..see that's what's so darn nice... We have to keep things in the Up mode.. the Positive..cause surely.. Positive thinking is healthy for those neurons...ask me I know...( now that's a topic I can say ..I Know )...

Khenrie...(Kim) hey hey 75...you sound like maybe some Italian snuck in there LOL my immediate family is 96 LOL but awesome.. you had a great time.. woooooo hoooooooo.. and girlfriend.. that drive..ouch my butt would have been draggggging... It's a good thing as Martha says !!!! it's good reading your story .. I like hearing how you and your children enjoyed each other and got a little side trip of sight seeing..uh hummmm yep.. you know..whip it out woman.. LOL

Carolinagal... ( Carol ) where still watching out for you... and praying you are ok..and when you can...pop in to just say a quick Hi.... on radar is up and tuned in

Dpf...(Pat ) So good to see you...sure have missed ya.. and yes, I'm waiting to hear your good stories..and of course you're surprises... Hey.. I believe anything you tell me ..ya hear that one.. After seeing them little bags LOL I know you will give us a few good laughs...without a blink of an eye...some maybe eye openers..well like can openers... always something good inside LOL ...You chair is right here..... again Good having you sit a spell...

Mtntophoundz...(Mollie) ooh darling I hear that cleaning..yikes.. I had the same thing when I got home too..but I had to do it slowly had a few little side steps.. but thank goodness I really didn't have to much of a mess.. but with young ones..I know you were buzzing... LOL did I make my coffee strong enough for ya !!!! Well... I'll increase it..just let me know and we'll step it up several notches.... but take a break too..cause we love hearing from you... and so glad that groove of camping is starting to take place more and more... another finer than a weekend get away..

Ava.... good topic too.. what do you use to hang things on your RV Walls...well I don't have anything hanging... but I do remember using those 3 M hooks.. the ones that you pull the tab and it sticks to the walls... they worked great.. I use them on my glass doors to hold my wreaths... and now they come in colors..wooo hooo... but anxious to see what all the gals write you....

Retiredhappy... ( Karen) how's the painting coming along... I sure know the Texas GTG is gonna be a good one...and ya know I'm still giggling.. in fact I told Marslet ( Sharolette) about it and she laughed and said., " Well, Zeee as you swing by you could also pick me up in Lousiana and we'd go together... LOL Yeah gal you is good !!!

Seeya Gal ( Jenny and Dan) Goodness you two are certainly on a roller coaster... but we are all hoping and praying that it will soon smooth out for you......nothing is ever safe on the internet... and all forums unless they state you can't read them unless you are a member are open for the public eye.. that's how they get members... in fact I remember you telling me about your blog how public it is now... but good to pass that on to all...

Ok...my brain is going coffee coffee.... Echo.. I know you're hear.. I can hear ya gulping down that java...and for the rest of you gals... sure be nice to hear what's happening in your world...... Carold there is a place here ya know.. and DpF...your chair has been waiting..mmmm let me see.. yeah there's a pepsi...a cold one... hahaha...Genteladybear (Nan) you're getting almost as bad as my Dorothy...you whizzzz by quick.. LOL Ok.. I'm a really hoping I don't lose connection again... watch out gals today is a bit tricky ...must be those "Gremlins" in the working... hahahaha...but I've been here before two times.. and I'm now again at the cross roads... clicking the button and praying ...come on take my message

May your Adventures Be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe too...

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby Echo » Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:56 am

Gooood Morning everybody!
Barb you can bet your sweet bippy I'm chugging that coffee. Altho I'm not dragging butt like yesterday morning, got to bed at my usual time of 10pm last night. It's amazing what a little extra sleep can do for a tired old body!
Speaking of cholesterol, I have no idea what mine is? But that dang blood pressure is another story. Now I don't really trust the things at WalMart but what the heck? I checked my BP last week while Kelly and I were there. Oh my goodness 170/92. Talk about needing to do a complete change of life style. I cut salt out of my food prep and servings long ago. But dang the sodium content in stuff that they have on the shelves is wicked. I just might find and buy a small freezer so that I can keep it stocked with frozen veggies and other good for ya stuff. Gonna have to hoe out the kitchen cupboards and get rid of all that nasty prepared and prepackaged stuff. Go on major healthy diet. David is always grumping at me about eating and being healthy so maybe I'll put him in charge of the kitchen? hehe Wonder if he'll do all the dishes too? :roll:
Well Kelly has crawled out of her 'cave' and is in the shower. Must mean it's time for me to get dressed....~sigh~
Ya'll have a great day and watch out for the storms.

ps. has anyone heard from Sparkle? she posted her 'hellos' and since then she's been entirely to quiet. Sparlke??? Come out, come out where ever you are. give us a shout!!!!!
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby Cedar518 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:00 am

Good Morning Zeee and gang,.... I'm up,... had my o.j. and vitamins,... now i'm heading for the kitchen for some cereal and then,....

then,...... it's coffee time!

but first I had to jump in here and get caught up again.

Beth we are all waiting to hear from you and the latest with Dolly,... stay safe my friend!

Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby Mtntophoundz » Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:54 am

Good Morning! Well, I still have lots to do today. I got side tracked in a major way yesterday and never made it out to the camper to clean. It was the cooler's fault I tell ya! We have a cooler we take with us to keep bottled water and Ice in. Well, we have had it for about 15 years and this weekend we found it wouldn't keep anything cold. I guess it died. I knew there were 2 other coolers in the garage, but where they were was a mystery. I go out there with the intention of finding just one of them. I ended up cleaning out an entire corner of the garage. My garage is packed with stuff, I mean floor to ceiling boxes. These darn coolers were in a corner in the floor. 3 hours later I have 2 coolers and a truck load of junk to be hauled off. THEN, I decided if I was going to take the kids school clothes shopping next week their closets and dressers needed to be weeded out. So 4 hours later I have 6 bags of clothes to give away. Nope the camper still needs to be clean, but I got rid of lots of junk!!! Sooo today its clean the camper and the house. Unless I find something else to de-junk. Have a great day all!!!!

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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby oliveoil » Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:59 am

Good Morning---- Good Morning- Good morning-------
Well it is surely HOT in Kansas-------- & my ruby shoes are covered with dust!!!!!

Now Barb------ in a few weeks ( well by the middle of OCT) we will be living in MO.
Will I still be Dorothy if I live in MO. ????????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Can I still wear ruby shoes in Mo------- or I wonder if it is against the law there????????? :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:

Well I'm still running like a chicken with it's head cut off----------- I seem to have a nervous stomach most of the time------ just thinking about everything that has to be done----- & ALL the upcoming changes!!!!!!!!

If any of you are praying people-------- please would ya be praying now that we have good weather for our up coming auctions & good crowds & we have good buyers for our properties that also are going to be auctioned off!!!!!!!

Well we were going to go do contracts tomorrow in Mo---on the new home--- but now it is Thurs & Fri------ so I need to go sort & pack pack pack-pack----- then it is where do I put it when it is packed---before we move--- & what do I do with all the stuff boxed for the auction!!!!!!!!

We got the PU back yesterday from being towed & fixed there went another $500.00 & then got home & tried to start the car & the car would not start------- Hubby got that fixed him self----it is like---------- oh my gosh---------what we live through will make us stronger----

Thanks for letting me rant---------- Stress-------- nerves------ & so much to do right now--- & the auctions decide our future!!!!!!!
I know God is in control--------- but I have made such a habit of worry over the years---- it is hard to give it ALL to God & not take it back to worry about!!!!!!!!!
Blessings to each of you--------- have a great day!!!!!! OO (aka Dorothy)
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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby carold » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:40 am

Got up, grabbed my cup of coffee, looked out the window and wondered where I was. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and I"M ON THE COAST OF MAINE. Where are the clouds, mist and wind? We're heading out to ride the ferry to Isleboro, an island of about 12 miles, to go bike riding. Just discovered John Travolta has a "house" there. But I needed to at least get a jolt of information before leaving. Hope all have a great day and that Dolly doesn't say hello to Beth. carold
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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:45 am

Good Morning, All....Barb, like the rest here, I just can't seem to get going in the AM until I read your "words of Wisdom" for the day...

I also am watching the weather on "Dolly"......Hoping Beth is safe and sound....

Got the cleaning done here yesterday......and the laundry, too!!! Geez, we used alot of clothes over the weekend......all that sweating and 2 showers a day...no wonder!!!

well, will go re-fill my coffee cup and read some more .......then I'll be ready for the rest of the day....lol

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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby khenrie » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:03 am

Mornin' All!

Still dragging my butt here. Takes a long time to catch up when you've missed a good chunk of sleep.

hey carold! My girlfriend in FL met John Travolta about a week ago. She works in a movie theater near Dunellen, FL and he walked in with his body guard to see a movie and she sold him his ticket :-) You can bet she called me right away - lol!

Well, hoping to get some pictures uploaded today and still playing catch up from my 3 days off. So, have a great day all! I'm off and running, slowly, but still running ;)
Choose to be happy!

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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:29 am

Morning all ya'll. On 2nd cup of coffee and eyes starting to open and brain to function. I'm on my four days off and going to get on with my painting.

Watching the weather and hoping it bypasses Beth. My GD was going to go to Port Aransas with a gf and her family but they're holding off TG.

Keep checking to see how many have made their reservations at the Texas CG. Last I checked we have five spots reserved of the 10 on the loop there. Reggie, the solo woman RVer who is hosting there, was kind enough to put a hold on the entire loop for us even tho they don't usually block out any sections. Gonna call the 2nd transportation outfit and check their prices for a bus to take us into San Antonio for the day. I can hardly wait to meet some of you. I've been so lucky this summer to get to meet Carold, PattyK and Margie.

Well, dogs are standing at the door glaring at me so I had better take them out.

Hope you all have a great day.
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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby Sunseeker » Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:14 am

Morning ladies. I'm REALLY late joining you today. We just had a jumbo breakfast and my coffe's almost gone. It's supposed to be really hot and muggy here in LA...forcast is 100*. They also predict some much-needed rain by afternoon. Everything here is so brown and parched it will be such a relief.

I'm with the rest of you concerned about Beth. It sure would be good to hear she's doing o.k.

Have a great Tuesday be you travelling, working or resting. I'm off now to read some of the other posts and try to catch up...sheesh!
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Re: We did it..! It's Officially Tuesday.. Morning !!!!

Postby SeeyaGal » Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:22 am

Well heck I slept in!!! It was so quiet I just kept ZZZZZZZZ
Moved over to the next campground ( PM me if you want the name and where) on Monday and got a big wide site and the cats are happy again to be able to go outside...although today was gloomy and a bit chilly so they stayed indoor and slept all day!

Did a walk about, it's a big park! Very woodsy, quiet...no trains... I have seen Deer wandering through before, lots of Chickadees and Stellar Blue Jays. The blackberrys are still in the small green stage, hopefully next month when we come back they will be ripe and juicy. One year I made a Blackberry pie...it was soooo good!!
Noticed less people in the park, think the weekenders are staying home more. I counted 9 Seeya's here and 1 Founder!! DH old boss has the Founder and is the Manager here now.
Swimming pool looked really inviting, water was not cold so I may just have to jump in! Hot tub looked real inviting too! There's a Pickle ball court....Pickle ball is a combo of tennis and pingpong. DH loves it!!! He won 2 Silver metals in the Yuma Senior Games this year! :D

I lazily drank my coffee and did not get out of my nightgown till noon! :o :shock: HEY I'm retired who looks at the clock! :lol:
Wed will be different I need to get a gift certificate from Barnes & Noble for my GD birthday...hard to believe she is going to be sweet 16!!
Have dinner plans for the next 5 days so woohooo no cooking!! :D :D
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