Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

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Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby TarheelBornGal » Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:43 pm


We're thinking of going by the Jacksonville Camping World over the weekend just to set foot in some RVs for the first time ever. We are nowhere ready to buy, and checking their inventory, there's nothing there that would really work for us even if we were ready. But it's super close -- just a couple of miles -- to the extended stay hotel that is our temporary home, so why not look, we figure, just to get a feel for different sizes, amenities, and floorplans "in the flesh" rather that just online.

Anyone have any tips for things we should look for or expect? Will we get a hard sell even if we say we're just starting to look? Anything we should or shouldn't say to the salespeople there?

We're such newbies we just need any info you might offer for first-timers.

Thanks VERY much!

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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby JudyJB » Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:00 pm

Yes, you may get a hard sell. They may tell you that if you buy a specific vehicle by a specific date, you will get a rebate or special discount price, etc.

Don't be swayed by this. There are almost never prices that won't be repeated.

In some ways, it is better to go to a few RV shows first so you will get a softer sell. Just my very personal opinion.
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby JoanE » Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:50 pm

Hard sells have never intimidated me. I just keep telling them I'm not buying, just looking. I think it is a good idea that you are looking now. Just keep in mind that you need to know how you plan to travel and what is important to YOU. What I like is not important. Do you want to keep traveling or stop in areas for a while? Is a lot of space important or can you deal with a smaller rig? It is so much fun to window shop. The only problem I see is you may fall in love with the biggest and most luxurious rig you see and everything else is a let down. lol.

Good luck.
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby MsBHaven » Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:27 am

My tip is....take lots of money and have fun.
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby dayspring39 » Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:12 am

HA HA HA Margie I was think the opposite... take no money or credit cards.... :lol:
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:44 am

And, unfortunately, don't believe everything sales people tell you. Have gotten so much wrong info from them. I love looking and still stop at dealers sometimes just to look. Check out things like what lay outsyou like out dislike. Does everything work with the slide in if it has a slide?

Look and have fun.
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby TarheelBornGal » Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:47 pm

Thanks, ladies!

We already have a really good idea of what we want and have a few models of interest -- but this Camping World doesn't have any of these. Mostly we just want to get an idea if the size we are thinking of (around a 30' motorhome -- Class A or C) would be about right for our needs, and determine some of the things we like/don't like in person. We would go to a show, but all the ones I saw advertised in Florida were occurring when we were still in Belize. And, since we don't plan to buy a new MH, a show might get our expectations too high anyway.

We're not 100% sure we're going -- we are NOT ready to buy now for several practical reasons, and I hate a hard sell no matter what the item, so I might not be able to handle it. I am sure they'll want a phone number and fear they'll keep calling us, which would drive me batty. I wish it were easier to just go browse without them trying to twist your arm. :cry:
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby monik7 » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:29 pm

TarheelBornGal wrote:Thanks, ladies!

We're not 100% sure we're going -- we are NOT ready to buy now for several practical reasons, and I hate a hard sell no matter what the item, so I might not be able to handle it. I am sure they'll want a phone number and fear they'll keep calling us, which would drive me batty. I wish it were easier to just go browse without them trying to twist your arm. :cry:

When I first went to a dealer, all I told them was my first name and also said I didn't want to give my phone # because I didn't want them calling me. They were fine with that.
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:31 pm

There are times when I was shopping/looking...even now when I stop to just look....and the sales guys would figure that I wasn't worth wasting their time on.... :o :) Then I got/get to wander around as I want.
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:45 am

When we were shopping for our current 5er, we did the RV Show in Hershey, PA....then visited local dealers and Camping World...our method was to just ask if the rigs were open, may we look and gathered any brochures available ...then tell them if we have questions, we'll come find them.... ;)
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby DesireGMC » Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:17 pm

I think they EXPECT you to just be looking at the outset! I'd say you are thinking about this - you think you've narrowed it down, tell them how you expect to use it, and get their input. I was POSITIVE I wanted an A, but realized that within my budget at the time ($20k) that what I thought I wanted was really limiting. My oldest daughter went into an Alpenlite (I'd always loved them at shows, but never dreamed I'd own one...) and said, sheesh Mom, why don't you just get a truck and one like this? Lo and behold - that was my solution. I'd gotten all this input about how a woman alone should be in an A so I could make a quick get away - frankly - I own two dogs that I have to walk regardless, so I got my Alpenlite - adored it - and have never stayed any place that I wasn't comfortable........

So - just go explore! See what your money will get you - I've NEVER had a place even want my phone number - and you can certainly decline. This is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable process. I guess my best advice would be to make clear you've just started looking and not waste a ton of some salesperson's time - you can look on your own - and you can let them know that. And yes - I've worked for a dealership and been in sales - so, that's my take. Mostly - have fun!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby snowball » Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:29 am

when we first started the process we would go to several different dealers often enough that when they saw us walk in they
just waved sometimes we talked sometimes we just looked on our own
we went into one that the sales person met us we explained that we were just looking and his comment was
come back when you are ready to buy ...needless to say we didn't go back and they went out of business wonder why???
enjoy the looking don't be intimidated and gain lots of that I want or that I don't want keep a note book so you can see what has
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Re: Any tips on visiting Camping World for first time?

Postby TarheelBornGal » Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:47 pm

Thanks ladies for all the great advice! If it stops raining tomorrow we may head over in the afternoon. It has been raining for over 7 hours straight here today, so it was not the day to go walking around a dealer lot.

I like the idea of just not giving them a phone number. :lol: I don't mind sharing my email address, but my phone number is reserved for very special people these days...don't call me, I'll call you!

I'll let you know if we get there!
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