Good Morning everybody,
tt==Sounds like all is well in the forum for the most part. Everybody just doing their daily routines and Ava on spring break. How fun. How you have time to work on your projects in the rig.
Cloudy, damp and kind of foggy day here today. The warm air and rain going over the snowpack is making ground fog. Temps aer supposed to drop a little after today, but nothing major coming along. The snow from this storm went north into the U.P. But the back roads, drives and what not are a sheet of ice out there. typical spring weather.
Just got home from the chiropractor and store. She made a few adjustments, feels better. Can't do anything else much till we get results from the ultrasound to see what's up. She thinks it's all deep in the muscles and tissues in my back and both of us are kind of tossing out the gallbladder thing, cuase i just don't have the symptoms of it. The back issue can also send pains into that area. But one I get the test, then we should have some idea. I stopped by the office this morning and they told me it's usually two weeks once an order is in for one, before I will have it. So probably the first of next week. That's just about right probably, cause everybody I know who needs tests done these days, waits at least that long unless it's a critical emergency. The medical field is changing slow but sure. The family doctor is becoming a vanishing breed as more doctors are going into specialities and Nurse Practioners (NP's) and Physcian Assistants (PA's) are becoming more common. They are the first ones you see anymore and they can handle a wide range of stuff. Most of the time when you do see a family doc, they are going to do the same thing the NP or PA does, and then send you to somebody who specializes in whatever your problem. It can be a very efficient system, bui one must wait as it moves along. Just ran into somebody I know at the Chiropractor's office who told me her husband has to go in for hear surgery to get a valve replace. Won't be till June though. Chiropractor also agreed with me that it's time to start doing stuff and get the old back muscles working. So now i can go whatever I want unless I feel it starting to strain or whatever. Ah, let the fun begin.
Just finished cooking up about 7 pounds of ground beef/round steak for the dogs food. Will freeze it and use it as I need. Put some fresh in their food right now and they are happily munching it down. Not happy though cause all the ice out there means no walks again
So anyway, all that's going on around here right now. Think i might run up and get my hair cut after lunch. Also need to run vac. After that, we shall see. So am going to lunch and wishing you all a wonderful afternoon.