I loved the singing boat tour! And always love the manatees. What fun.
Beth “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ "He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"
Tina, before my husband, cousin and I learned how to actually sail our sailboat, we would "visit" it on Sundays bringing the NY Times, coffee and bagels. One beautiful morning while I sat in the sun on the boat, I kept hearing this noise very close to me. But I didn't see anything unusual. It happened several times, so I put down the paper and coffee and sat near the edge of the boat. There it was - a manatee coming up for a breath before sinking back below the surface. What fun!
Thanks, Tina. That looks like great fun. Sorry I missed the Singing River tour, maybe next year but I knew I wasn't up to getting in that cold water for swim with all the wonderful creatures.
The only major handicap in life is a bad attitude!
what fun that looked like other than the snake so wanted have wanted to see that close up love how clear the water is it would be fun to try and swim with the creatures sheila
Beautiful pics, Tina. That water was soooooo clear. I've never wanted to get in water with things that actually 'live' in the water. But seeing the beauty of this world from your pics make me re-consider this thought... not that i'm running right out for equipment, mind you, but I, at least, will re-consider it.
Wonderful pictures Tina. All along I've been thinking I'll never get all the way to Florida from California. But now that I've seen all your pics and those of the others, I've realized I may have to rethink and put Florida on my list of places I just have to visit. Sandi
Bindi (Maltipoo) and Abby (Shih Tzu/Poodle)
"Without the animals men would die of a great loneliness of the spirit." ~ Chief Seattle “A dog can change the way you see the world.” ~ Anyone who has a dog