Good Morning everyone,
Gosh, everybody's up and at em this morning. Well, I've been up since around 7:30 amd finally decided to roll out of bed. I was enjoying the luxury of actually sleeping for almost 6-7 hours for the first time since the issue with my back started. Once I took my pain pill, I was pain free all night. I'm only taking it at night right now and for awhile there, thought maybe I wasn't even going to bother with it last night, but yeah, wound up with it anyway. I'm using an Icy?Hot cream that I got from my Chiropractors office on my back and it has helped a lot. Plus I am also starting to do some exercies to stretch the back and muscles etc. I'm feeling pretty good this morning. But of course I need to remind my self to not over do it here. I stil have restrictions of what i can't do. Had my breakfast, then washed up the dishes, got myself cleaned up and dressed and then did my exercises. Nothing like laying on the floor doing stretching exercies, whie your dog is licking your nose and trying to figure out what the heck you are doing
Just now came in for a little snowblooing episode out back. Cleared out an erea for the dogs to take care of "business" back there and also pushed some of the snow aside on the deck. That's enough. Time to stop. A freind is coming over today to run my cac aruond the house for me
So I'm content
Sounds like evrybody's ready for spring. Same here. I look out my window at gray skies and a few snowflakes falling. There's abut 2 feet of snow on the ground here roughly and I was thinking yesterday, that if we hadn't had those two big thaws that took the snow pack down to almost bare ground, there would easily be 3-4 feet of snow out there. We still have March to go through, and after that things will start to moderate although it's not unusual for us to see snow flakes on Mother's Day
Paulette, I am so exceited for you. A new rig. How fantastic. Going to be anxiously awaiting the pictures. And Red, you are getting ready to switch over to your new set of wheels too. Congratualtions ladies.
Sounds like the winter of GTG's is windng down as foks start trekking homeward. But a summer of un is awaiting too. I'm really getting antsy to get back on the road myself and am trying to figure out how i can afford to do it right now. There is a neat looking little Shasta MH over at the dealer near me here that I hav been eying for awhile. On Consignment. But I don't want to take on any more payments as I currently am making lease payments on my Flex.
This back issue has me rethinking retirement plans. After having had a stressful summer at the park, I just don't want to deal with it this year. So I'm kind of a mind to not go back. If I can get into the other park that I had wanted to do last year but backed off cause of finances and gas prices, I will go that route, but if not. I quit. A lot of people have told me that I should take a summer off. i"m contemplating putting my S&B up for sale, I have a lot of work to do around here expecially with outsdie clean up after the big snowstorm in December and with this back, I haven't been able to do anything in my house. Had planned to be doing spring cleaning and going through stuff right now.
Am really hoping that I get some refund back on my taxes so I can head north again later next month for a few days.
Ms. Tessa got mixed reviews from the vet yesterday. Some of her readings are doing good, but her pottasium levels are a bit low and she still has bacterial infection. So she will stay on the meds for that and also just a tad increase in the potassium. She has been eating which is good. Not a lot but better than nothing. Some tmes will clean the bowl and other times maybe half. She's lost another pound as well, which is the way of this kidney disease. But becasue she is still alert, kind of acting like her old self most of the time and generally doing okay, we have concurred that she isn't ready to leave this world just yet. Will see where we stand in a couple of weeks. Right now she's out on my deck starting at me through the door with a "let me in" look on her face
Kathleen, congrats on the weight loss. My diet has kind of gotten sidetracked with my pain issues etc.
But I'm starting to get back on track this weekend. Anita, sorry you are having one of those "Murphy" days. Hopefully all well be back in shape shortly.
Well, enough jabbering here. Time to get moving and read some other posts. You all have a wonderful day.