Readytogo wrote:Tried to delete my post, but wasn;t able to click on edit for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I like the style of gtgs thisd group does better, with no plans just visiting and do what we want. But once in awhile I might like to take a short trip for a couple of days close to home and come back. I seem to be too caught up in family and friend and neighbor things to go off for long trips like so many of you do, and I guess I don't like my own company that well! I must be boring. I was also thinking I read somewhere you can attend two events before joining, but that may have been Escappees or LOW's.
Don't be apologizing. With all of us on this forum, you'll find so many varying opinions, etc - and while some of us might not want to join rvw, others, as you see do. And if it works to get you out more, go for it, g/f.