My grandson, went home from the hospital yesterday. He has a contusion, bruise(I'm not sure what) on his lungs which they say will be ok in time. They also found he had 4 broken ribs when x-raying the lung situation which they knew about, they either didn't know about the ribs or had not mentioned or my daughter failed to tell me. He is going to be a sore little fella for awhile.
I am not rushing to Fl , both Mom and Dad have next wk off work, so it's been decided I will go on over for my usual Thanksgiving day with many friends and family in west Tn. Yesterday, in rushing around trying to leave here I irritated my back situation and it made me feel sick and I had to just stop and realize there just can't be any rushing and fast happenings for me for awhile. Of course no good sleep for a couple of nights didn't help
So I postponed my leaving here for a couple of days.
Thank you all for your prayers and concern for my little, LIam.