Hi guys! I've been over here for a while, but didn't want to post until I had my pic, and was too lazy to take the time to learn. But I did it today, so here I am! Some of you may remember I was going out to Las Vegas to buy my almost-brand new Roadtrek and drive it home. My very own "Escape Pod" is sitting in my yard, shivering under its blanket of snow. Last week, I took it to the mall with my daughter - it made me happy just to be in it and driving it! I can't wait for spring so I can really start using it - last year, I had not planned to buy, but this just fell into my lap and I couldn't pass it up, but couldn't use it much cause I had other commitments all lined up. But next year, I'm keeping everything open so I can PLAY!!
I'm looking forward to hanging out with you guys.