
Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby carolb » Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:12 am

Batten down the hatches, East Coasters! Soos, will ya postpone yore trip? Well, y'all be safe if yore in the path of Sandy! Looks like she's coming pretty far inland. Even in central NY, she's to bring rain & high winds :evil: With that, a good morning to all! :) Yes, the Herkimer Diamond Mines are only 15 miles or so from me! So anyone visiting there, please let me know!...I have a long day of teaching today; have enjoyed the past two half-days, however making $ is good for more trips! :D or to fix the frig :( Will spend the weekend winterizing my HarBor, since I won't be going anywhere til FL GTG. Hmmm, that might change if we get a nice weekend yet this Nov/Dec :lol: Wow, today is to be 72 degrees! Will take advantage of that & spend some time in the yard after school. Hope y'all have a great Friday, enjoy yore loved ones, & be safe wherever ya are!
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Re: Friday

Postby Redwahine » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:02 am

Good morning all! TGIF!! That cold front is headed our way. At least it is cooling us off. Suppose to rain today. Let it rain, want sunshine for the air show this weekend. Blue Angels!! We have tickets for Sunday. I've been watching the info about Hurricane Sandy and how it's getting sucked into the huge cold front up in the NY area. I am praying all our friends up there are preparing for the storm or getting heck out of there. Please be safe and don't take any chances.

I am very uncomfortable this morning from the biopsy. I wasn't going to bring this up on this forum, cuz it's personal and kinda embarrassing. :oops: However, if the info can help any other woman, then I should share the info. If you are uncomfortable with medical issues stop reading now. Go to the next post. Might be TMI. :shock:

I have had a pap done every year without fail, even though I don't have a uterus. ( there are still cells that can become cancerous). After moving to Houston I drug my feet and did not get around to it till now. Been 3 yrs. Well, come to find out there are other things the Dr is looking for other than just taking a pap. Has anyone ever heard of vulvar cancer?? I certainly had not! It presents as little patch(s) of lighter skin on the labia close to the clitoris. Hiding in the folds. 90% of the time it is an autoimmune condition similar to psoriasis. But 10% of the time it can be vulvar cancer, a very silent, aggressive cancer. Attacks nearby organs :cry: During the routine exam Dr. found a spot and made an appt for the biopsy. I don't take a mirror and inspect myself. And when I did look in the mirror, I couldn't even find the spot the Dr was talking about. So getting your annual exam is very important, specially as we age :roll:

I now have 3 stitches very close to my clitoris. No position is comfortable. Not much to help with pain. Little bags of ice. Never been called frigid before :lol: Yes, and all the jokes :lol: I'm fairly confident that the lab results will be negative :P By sharing this very personal experience, I hope to encourage everyone to make sure they get their annual exam. Not just a pap, but a good looking at and exam.

Aloha y'all
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Re: Friday

Postby Colliemom » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:25 am

Good Morning Carolb, Red and all who follow,

Yep, Sandy sounds like it's going to be and they ae calling it kind of "The Perfect Storm". This mornng they are saying it is going to be the worst storm of it's kind to ever hit the U.S. Winds, rain, maybe a foot of snow etc. and it's heading inland too like Carl said. The cold front that came through here last night is heading that away and right into it. Even we, way over here in MI are keeping an eye on it. Looks like snow showers by Tuesday here and rain/snow for Wed and Thursday. Too early to tell. So those of you in the Northeast and in the path of Sandy, please take the necessary precautions, make sure you have sufficient supplies, batteries and what not to ride out this monster. Soos, it's hard to tell whether or not you should stay put and deal with this or hit the road and maybe get a bit farther south before it hits the Northeast. Looks like FL and along the coast will not get hit quite as hard. Hopefully you won't get snowed in up there in northern NY. But then it would give you time to spoil Orion somemore :)

Red, thanks for sharing that very personal information. I've never heard of that either. I do get my pap done every three years as that's what I have been told. If it's negative, you don't need another for three years. Maybe things are changing. Haven't had my physical for this year yet. That's on my agenda for next week, setting up the appt. And of course the annual "squish" time as well :lol:

Cloudy and chilly here this morning. Supposed to get partly cloudy later on. So plan this as an inside day today. Got to clean house and then going to do some organizing in some storage drawers in my basement to store all the stuff I have been accumulating for making more signs over the winter. Got some good deals on leave and flower stems and other fall decorations, so will put them away for now and start doing one for Christmas for myself and then start making some winter signs. Don't know as yet if I am going to be here for Christmas this year. Am thinking of heading back up to Michigamme for about a month in December/early January. After that I will be doing my "spring cleaning" and what not in the house here. It's either that or go up in March into April, but depending on weather, that's also the time when there are outside things to start doing here as spring approaches. So it's a toss up. Yeah, I know, i can hear some of you saying "Is she nuts. She wants to go north where it's cold and snowy!" :lol: Brrrrr. Plus might be kind of fun to spend the holidays "walking in a winter wonderland", not that we don't have one here.

Well, chattering along here is not getting the dishes washed and the house cleaned and..... But truth be told, I would rather spend the time with all you lovely ladies than tackle that stuff. But it has to be done. Life always manages to get in the way of fun. But once it's done, on to more "fun" stuff. Have a nice day everybody, even those of you in the path of Sandy as it hasn't really affected anybody yet, so enjoy today for all it's worth.
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Re: Friday

Postby asirimarco » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:44 am

Good BRRRRR Morning to All - these RVs sure weren't produced with cold weather in mind. The cold front moved in here to Lebanon, MO yesterday afternoon with a vengence. Dropped 40 degrees in a couple of hours. 36 degrees out right now - and looks like it extends pretty far south. The Driver is going to have to put his long johns on! That darn blood thinner has really effected his body temperature - below 70 his hands are freezing - below 60 he has on a hat - don't think he has enough clothes to wear this a.m. Well will turn the coach heater on when he climbs out from under the blanket. Probably should take the top quilt off then I'll be okay. Hate waking up sweating. Right now just using a little space heater to keep chill off. Got a new electric blanket for in here the other day. Even lowest heat is almost too hot for me.
Didn't notice when we pulled into this campground how close it is to the interstate. And it is right on a grade so the truckers have to shift going up and down. Trucking sure is a 24/7 business. Unless we are desperate this rv park is crossed off the list. And it's $30.
Today we'll be headed towards Tulsa and on maybe - if we decide to miss Vegas we'll go south out of OK City - if we go to Vegas we'll continue on the 40 west. At least if we go to Vegas we can use a couple of weeks of our Thousand Trails membership......hate to waste it.
Fixed a good dinner last night - partly to warm the place up. Breaded chicken fillets, spanish rice and corn. Yum. He makes big batches of filleted breaded chicken and then freezes them. Only have to warm them up for a quick meal.
Barbie congratulations on your new car. We have a Jeep Liberty and love it. Ava - very cute baby - so tiny.
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Re: Friday

Postby grammynmaggie » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:16 am

Good morning all, Well today is supose to be our worst day
as far as Sandy goes...(Melborne FL) so figured it would be
a good day to stay at dads and get things done. No day trip
today. Will get laundry done and put a few things in the rig.
Red thanks for that info, I do get a gyn physical every year.
My mom past at age 40 for BR CA and after that I go every
year. That was in 1969.
Wow as I am sitting here typing got dark and wind gust...
palm trees are bending and I heard noise some where out site
the house..need to go check.... Some yard chairs and table blew
around....elec went on and off couple times...boy this wind is not
nice...scary... I told dad before if there was a hurricane I was heading
out of FL.....well I know for sure if there would be making land fall on the east coast
of FL....I know for sure I will be now!!! I figured no land fall here
would not be so bad...well that was wrong thinking...remember I am
only about 2 mile from the atlantic. I am not liking this at all. :shock:
Have a great day and stay safe
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Re: Friday

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:37 am


Red, prayers your biopsy is negative!

And I thought my "boo-boo" hurt.
I'm thinkin' nowhere near what you just described.

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Re: Friday

Postby Dawn309 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:39 am

Brrrr is right. Cold front came through here yesterday evening. Not supposed to get out of 50's today. I think today would be a good day to get all my laundry caught up. Mom wants to go to Pottery Barn. She's still asleep, so will find out if she still wants to go there after she is up and had her morning coffee.

Red, thanks for sharing with us. I had never heard of that cancer. I have to say I have not had my annual for a couple years now because of no insurance. As soon as I can, I have to get caught up on any health issues and exams. Had a phone call from doctor a couple weeks ago. Not happy with me since I had not been in in over a year. Told him would be back there in December and will come in then.

Soos, watch out for Sandy as you make your way south. Weather is saying could get really nasty. Sounds like everyone on the east coast needs to batten down the hatches.

Hope everyone has a great day and if you are traveling, stay safe.
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Re: Friday

Postby Nasoosie » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:20 am


First let me say that I am hoping for "negative" for biopsy results for Red. I was going to ask what you were having biopsied the other day, but decided if you wanted to, you would tell us. OUCH is all I can say! But thanks for sharing some info that most docs would never tell us about when they are doing the annual 'stirrup' exam!

Second, your new recliners are BEAUTIFUL! What a difference, and I am so happy you found a couple with no problems to fit!

Donna, I am thinking I am glad I'm not near Melbourne right now! Will you still be there, however, when I get down there to St. Cloud? That's just an easy cruise on 192 from me to you! Maybe we can meet?

Now then, not sure what I was able to write yesterday, but my friend and road companion Kathy had to spend the night in the ER on Wednesday/Thursday. When she went to get her flu shot, they listened to her heart and found atrial fibrilation. She was so reluctant to tell me yesterday that she has an appointment today to determine what to do next. But I told her to relax, do what she has to, and I get to spend more time here with Orion! Also, there is now way I would start on the trip on Sunday with Sandy rearing her ugly head toward the east coast. Hopefully they will recommend the usual drug for A-Fib, monitor her for a while, and then give her the ok to leave for FL. If not, I will pull out by myself again in another week, or so. I really hope I don't get snowed in up here, however! We shalll see today what her doc says.

Mandy has two days off now, and I plan to go get my propane tank filled and do some grocery shopping. Yesterday was like summer up here, with temps reaching 80 degrees! Orion and I were outside all afternoon. Today it's already 62, and proves to be similar to yesterday. Maybe we can all go to a park nearby and do some walking with Oey in his stroller. (I have been calling him Boppy, short for B-Bopper!---just happened.)

Hope everybody on the east coast makes plans to avoid Sandy----I am not looking forward to where those two storms meet and could spill tons of the white stuff----although, I was hoping to at least see a bit of snow to play in before I leave! Happy Friday to all.
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Re: Friday

Postby chalet05 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:30 am

Good Morning from windy Salome, AZ,

Red, thanks for sharing - I had never heard of that either.

Keeping good thoughts for all in the path of Sandy. Soos, hope you are staying put for a few more days with Orion!

My Kansas daughter is feeling that cold front today......what a change!

The Big news here is that we got LeRoy's 5er yesterday from storage so we are each back in our own places. Now I have a camper to clean and organize plus a 5er to pack up for storage! Between getting his trailer and my messing with the satellite dish, I got nothing accomplished yesterday.

Everyone stay safe - both on the road and in the path of the storm.
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Re: Friday

Postby havingfunnow » Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:14 am

Oh, ouch, Red! Thanks for warning everybody; I'd never heard of that cancer. I tend to wait too long between exams too. I'm thinking your results will probably be negative -- I've noticed that doctors get a bit alarmist once the patient is over age 55. When I turned 55, they insisted on snipping out a bump that had been there since I was 20! I agreed, as a precaution, but I'm still not sure it was necessary. I remember sitting on those ice packs, too -- ick! Hope you heal up fast.

Everybody stay safe, and enjoy the day!

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Re: Friday

Postby Travelinana » Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:35 am

Carolb, speaking of Diamond Mines, we have one in AR too..don't know how many girls knew this, might be a fun place to have a gtg next year. It's near Hot Springs, AR, also a place of interesting things to do.
Red, you poor girl, that sounds worse than the stitches after childbirth...that along with the booby injuries brings back more painful memories. 11 years ago I had Uterine Cancer, had a complete hysterectomy, have a scar starting at hair line all the way up a couple of inches above my belly button..with a diagnosis of cancer, no option for removal through the vagina. I was told the most likely places for reoccurrence was lungs and Vulva. I have a pap every year of course. I had camera exam every month the first year. An ugly spot showed up after a few months. He didn't biopsy until sending the picture to the lab. I was upset about it and my husband and I were worried until the good news of scar tissue came. No other scares. By the way, I had to look back to yesterday to see new recliners. I did love the leather ones but with a recliner comfort is top priority. With a leather one, I had to keep a quilt on it for comfort, said then I wouldn't have another leather one.
All girls who are in the area of the 'perfect storm' I know you will do all you need to do to stay safe. Soos, sounds like you are making lemonade out a potential lemon..getting to play with Oey in the snow being the big one...sure hope your friend is given the go ahead to travel with you, especially since this means she is okay now after a scare.
Sue, I've decided you would never enjoy Florida in the winter...I see very few pretty snowfalls in AR but I love them when they occur.. Christmas in a winter wonderland would be so nice.. going south means I won't see any snowfalls but I think I can enjoy the white beaches instead. My son is going to wrap my hoses in a heat tape as we might get down to freezing tonight. He looks out for me and I love it...
I now have a smart phone...since I didn't learn everything my last 'simpleton' phone did, I probably won't do much better with this one but it was free with my upgrade...I do have to pay for internet but with a small business I can write this off...
Dawn, I am concerned for you not having insurance. I remember how much I had to pay for my insurance before medicare and would have changed to a high deductible but they wouldn't allow it..have you looked into a high deductible?
To all, Stay warm and safe...

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Re: Friday

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:50 am

Good morning to all ! Been up since 4 :30am and have been watching the weather.. It looked first thing this morning like. Ok we're gonna get some rain but then cleared up and sun came out..but now it's getting a little breezy...but am praying Sandy will head more out to sea..already talked with hubby to make sure he has gas for the genny back home.....

Red, I hope all goes well for you and you get a clean bill of health...but I was aware of tha type of cancer from when I had to have hysterectomy because of uterine cancer..scary but I have heard many women think after having a hysterectomy they don't have to go for Pap's so important. Again thanks for the's good we share these things!

Those recliners look good too yep, you are getting that 5er ready to go again :)

Soos, I sure hope your friend does ok...those meds help and sure as shooting she'll be enjoying that warm weather and a few good laughs..

Donna, stay safe over in Melborne...soon it will be passing us by too.

Dawn enjoyed those pictures from your outing yesterday. Oh and that chicken fried steak looked mighty fine

Oops just got someone coming to the door.

Stay safe all and God Bless

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Re: Friday

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:53 pm

Winds from the East are blowing pretty strong here in NM, too....and the temp is 58F.....but we're staying in the 5er for the day, except for the Spinner walks... ;) Glad we are where we are this year....cause GA in for some rain & wind....

Hope the biopsy is negative....healthy thoughts and prayers coming your way..

Okay, have a great day, all...I'll check back later...
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Re: Friday

Postby LadyTexan » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:48 pm

Cold front came through here yesterday afternoon, and the temps dropped 20 degrees in almost 2 hours. Right now it's about 50, with 20 MPH winds. Brrrr....I decided that working outside today would not be a good thing. So instead I went and had my car inspected ( that annual inspection for Texas LOL) and did my volunteer work, reading books to tape. It was inside and warm!

This afternoon is time off since I've decided to postpone my work until tomorrow. I had a family reunion/birthday party at my house last weekend, and in the last-minute cleaning just threw whatever was on the breakfast bar and dining table into a big box. I need to sort through all that - I know my car and house insurance payments are due, and the forms are in there somewhere :lol:

I will also be spending some time on my favorite project - Soldiers Angels, a non-profit organization which provides support to our military overseas. I have adopted a young man and it's time for his weekly letter. Plus I have a large envelope of signed Christmas cards I got from a friend's women's group, and I need to get that ready to mail to their warehouse for their Christmas care packages. I have a bunch of items to send to their warehouse too for care packages, and I need to get that stuff gathered and boxed up. The cold weather is incentive to stay inside and get stuff done.

Have a great afternoon, everyone! I hope all our East Coast members are battening down the hatches and will be safe during Frankenstorm (who comes up with these names, anyway????).

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Re: Friday

Postby Bethers » Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:19 pm

Red, thanks for sharing what you're going through and reminding us all how important our annual exams are. And Sue, I'm surprised your doctor is okay with every three years. Even insurance (all insurances I've ever had) pay for annual pap exams. I've had so many abnormals and so many procedures to see why - and, knock on wood, always came out on the right side of the news and procedures. Hope you do with this, Red. And, no, never heard of it - at least not by that name.

OK, for some of you I probably could be doing a new morning post, but just read this!
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