good morning ladies
what a fabulous Saturday its going to be, although I haven't got my laundry started yet, don't know why laundry soap didn't cross my mind when I
was shopping but here I sit wanting to get started and will have to make a run to the store for laundry soap. I have emptied a few tubs purging
stuff that is NOT going back into the rv and tossing out old summer clothes. Got the long pants out yesterday as its cool in the evenings and early
mornings now but not yet time for a jacket. I have a whole week off for fall break this week and lots planned. Course by now I think everyone knows
I'll be hanging out at the hospital on wednesday but other than that, doctor appt on Tuesday and today and tomorrow I will clean out the car and
do some detailing on that. Emissions and tags sometime this week and also a drive out to the rv to measure my floor space again as I lost my day
planner with all my notes in it. I'm hoping I'll find it when I clean out my car. But I need to get out there anyway to check on it, last time I was there
tires got put on the list but I forgot to write down the size so I'll need to record that too. Will also try to get in some visits to friends over the week.
Several are on my list.
Guess I better get dressed and get a movin, days a wastin. Coffee is fabulous this morning, have discovered Folgers Black Silk and I really like the
taste. Grab ya a cup while its hot and fresh, son will be up soon and it will be gone. Enjoy your day ladies.