Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby ellenw » Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:31 pm

Hmmmm... Large bowl, skillet, olive oil. I'm intrigued, too, Sheila.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Nasoosie » Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:49 am

I'm getting excited for all of you! Sure do wish I could meet all of you----some day I know I will! Enjoy your anticipation, as the actual GTG goes by so fast you will wonder where the time went.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Redwahine » Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:22 am

I'm excited for y'all as well. I so wished I could be there. And meet all of you. I love that area of Oregon and love that campground. I have cousins in Medford!!!
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby gjkl » Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:42 am

I wrote a long message last night as to how DD & I were enjoying our Oregon adventures. Attempted to save until we came back from dinner, don't know where in cyber space it might be, but it's gone bye bye. We are in Tillemook now getting earlier start to drive the coast an see light houses & the other sites. We sure did like the town of Cannon Beach. DD dropped a lot of $ on a purse @ a place called la Luna Loca, her airfare was cheaper than the purse. LOL I'm not telling anyone :roll:
Last night we had dinner at a little place called Kendra's Kitchen. It was soooo good. I had a ceaer salad w/blackened salmon. The owner does all the cooking herself and her very own home touches. DD had a glorified hamburger, took two hands to hold it and forget the napkins just bring the dish towel for catching the juice running down the arms. French fries were home made with Kendra's special French fry sauce. Gonna close off for now and send this. Will tell about the dessert later. Gloria
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby sharon » Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:03 am

Gloria, are you gonna stop by the NW GTG and introduce yourself? It sure sounds like it's gonna be a "gooder"! You're in the area, you might as well! :D
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby monik7 » Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:32 am

Do we have an updated list of who's coming and what site they'll be on? I'm madly trying to learn names before getting there. Can't wait to meet you all!
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Cougarfan » Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:42 am

Okay here we go:

F36: Joan (Joan)
F37: Beth (Bethers) & Sheila (Snowball)
F38: Diana (Mtngal)
F39: Karen (Oregonluvr)
F40: Marda (Wickedlady)
F41: Ellen (Ellenw) & Kari (KariFlint)
F43: Laura (Cougarfan)
F45: Lynn (Lynn2) & her daughter (sorry I don't know, or didn't catch her name)
F46: Sandi (Monik7)

Only a few more days to go. I am frantically piling things up to put in the trailer when I get it back. I had hoped to spend this weekend getting it packed but will manage okay even if I don't get it back until Thursday morning :shock: I may just miss the caravan if that happens but I'll be at the gtg no matter what happens with the trailer.

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby gjkl » Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:52 pm

sharon wrote:Gloria, are you gonna stop by the NW GTG and introduce yourself? It sure sounds like it's gonna be a "gooder"! You're in the area, you might as well! :D

No, I wish. Will give u more details later.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:28 pm

Good Afternoon. Oh gosh I cant believe the GTG is almost here. I have just been slowly getting my act together organizing my camping stuff. When I am working somewhere I take all that fun stuff out and put all the "work stuff" in. So I recently bought a few new tubs (smaller) and have been organizing and reorganizing the "stuff". Now I need to gear up and start moving a bit faster. I actually had everything spread all over my spare room and lo and behold I had a friend call to say she was coming to visit me if that was OK.....well I had to move all the stuff back out to my storage shed so she could have a place to sleep ha ha Of course we all know I wont be able to find, or remember, where the dang stuff is. I tried the list thing, no go!!! My stuff changes too fast to keep up the list ha ha So guess I will just look in all the tubs when I need to find something, cause we all know it wont be in the first few.

I am getting very excited to meet everyone. Will make a Costco run on Tuesday or Wednesday and pick up some snack items. Maybe some of their muffins. I quit buying them cause I would either eat most of them myself (big packages as we all know) or they would just go to waste. I tried freezing them but they just lost some of that good ole freshness taste. They also have some great breads so.........decisions decisions. Heck they might even have something nutritious to buy LOL Well now we need some afternoon "Happy Hour" snacks. I know I will have to make a store run after we decide on our potluck. I was also thinking maybe a baked potato bar night. A few of us will have BBQ's so everyone can bring their favorite BBQ item and we can have BBQ night....oh lordy I am just full of ideas hee hee

OK off to see what else I cant live without that I should bring. My MH is shrinking rapidly. Thought I had lots of room but NOOOOOOOO.


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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby mtngal » Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:59 pm

Oh I think I am getting anxious! Have my van all packed, including electrical cords. Now my laptop needs a charge! I'm going to give it a quick wash and then unpack the cord to charge my laptop......See y'all soon!
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby snowball » Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:42 pm

mtngal wrote: Now my laptop needs a charge! I'm going to give it a quick wash and then unpack the cord to charge my laptop......See y'all soon!

hmmm wondering how ones gives the laptop a quick wash?
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Nasoosie » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:19 am

Me too, Sheila! And why wash it??
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby longdog2 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:33 pm

Out of context ladies. She was going to wash the van and charge the laptop.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Bethers » Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:23 pm

I understood what DIana meant, think most did. However, the way she said it was so comical that it did sound as Sheila said - gave me a good chuckle, too.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby mtngal » Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:56 pm

Thanks Colleen; but I thought it was worth a laugh too
so didn't bother to change! Got out of Dodge about 8.
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