Good Morning everyone,
Brrrr, darn chilly out there this morning, 38 degrees. But not as cold as Soos is though. And surprisingly we still have not had a frost yet. Think it's cause we are getting some small low pressure fronts passing through this week and the cool air is keeping lake effect clouds about, so no clear nightime skies. Not a lot of sun about either.
Two more days and I will be done working at the park for the season, so won't have to get up and head out on these cold mornings Guess I must be gettng old as I don't enjoy it like I used too. Hoping that we won't be spending the day behind the shovel again today, but probably will. We had a load of Afton stone gravel delivered the other day and have been working on the park roads, leveling off the edges. First we must load stone into Gator bed, then go along the road and when we find a spot needing leveling, stop and throw some gravel along the edge, sweep off the excess on the road and then pack it down with the other Gator, like a roller machine used in highway work. Ths of course is requiring arm muscle and the darn stuff isn't actually light especially with the rain we have been having on and off. Afton Stone is a gravel that's mined near a small community called Afton and it packs down hard and makes a good driving surface. It's almost like playing with cement stuff being wet right now. Leaving a gooey mud on everything it touches, our boots, Gator, tools etc. So we ar busy with the hose at end of day. Not to mention sore backs and arms.
Am so looking forward to being done. Have a couple of projects here at the house I want to finish up and get myself ready to head off on vacation the next week. Fall color is starting to show up here and there in the trees, but we are at least two weeks away from peak color here yet. The dark, cloudy days we are having this week have acelerated the color process, but sunny weather promised for next week will slow it down again.
Ah, the tomato canning process. How well I remember it from my childhood days and even later after my parents retired. Mom used to spend hours canning tomoatoes, peaches, green beans, relish, pickles, beets and what not. We had a very colorful display in our pantry come winter. Gradually got away from that as freezing became more popular. I never took on the canning business although I did help out. I can remember the spicy smells filling the house in fall and wafting out the windows.
Gosh, seems like everybody's busy doing something these days. Some new rigs in the picture, some new full timers too. After I get done working and have more time, I will start catching up on the posts, blogs and what not. So bear with me if I miss something here.
So am going to haul out of here and start getting ready to head off for another work day. Payday for me too Not in form of paycheck per say, but I break my checks down into two week periods and it's time for my second week from last paycheck. Off to bank after work and then off to store. Have a wonderful day all.