I'm sorry for all of you dealing with memories of deaths and funerals now - or really any time of the year. Whenever it happens, it's hard. I do understand wanting the time to pass - and that writing and sharing about it can help - so I'm glad you did that, Carol.
Me, I slept in this morning longer than intended. Woke up early and said, nope, too early, and went back to sleep. Must have been the good food and company last night, as Sparkle and I went down to the state cg near here to meet with Bob - one of the singles from the singles forum. He had made some excellent chicken, Sparkle brought the potatoes (she argued with herself over two potato recipes so she made both!) and I brought the salad. Yes, my job was easier, but I also go to do the dishes
And I'll do it over and over again for the good food! Dishes are fine with me. Oh, Bob had hinted that he wanted a pumpkin pie, so Sparkle brought him one, and I brought him the whipped topping - so he got a whole pie to eat. He had mentioned to me that he made cookies the previous day, so while I've been trying to get all the cookies out of my house like mentioned above, I managed to eat a couple of his
Sparkle and I cut our walk back this morning. After doing over 5 miles yesterday, we both were limping a tad (ok maybe a bit more than a tad, especially Sparkle, who would limp and cry out with every step) last night. Did that keep us off the beach today? Nope, we went planning on walking 2 miles, but added some more and made it at least 2 1/2. We are not wimps. We might be limping and making peeping noises again tonight at bingo, but I'll be bringing another big glass of Baileys chocolate mint - so what's a sore foot/ankle?
Going to read more of the forum, then spand some time with a book. Have a great day.