I gotta tell you this week has been so hard and Monday I didn't give my self 2 cents to survive Tues, but Yes I did. I don't know why it seemed so hard to face getting through our anniversary but it did. I know I have to make it through all of the firsts this year as many of you have and those newer to this club we find ourselves in sill have to go through. I hate being alone, I want to be a screaming diva like others have described themselves here. And I did at the cemetery on Tuesday. Then on Thursday I was sitting in my office and it hit me that Les had been gone for 5 months. Where has the time gone. I was so focused on 9/11 that 9/13 totally took me by surprise. How did that happen? I was talking to Les's sister the other night and she told me that today is 8 years since her husband passed away. I can't imagine that long right now.
I am finding things to look forward to now and find myself laughing more and more and then I feel guilty. Why? The house is getting there and hopefully I will find a buyer who wants a little house in the country.
I did update the blog, but not sure if I posted or not. Lobsta for everyone is waiting http://ramblinways.blogspot.com/
It has been a beautiful fall day in New Hampshire.