OK, it's almost time for tomorrow morning's post - but I finally made it to the table.
Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you. Zeee, I'm so thrilled that things have turned around in that relationship - and I hope some of the others of you who have mentioned it gave you hope - get that same chance to have a new beginning with some in your families.
This morning, as Sparkle, Peaches and I walked the beach- I thought "It can't get any better than this" - I love where I am in my life, I love the beach, I have such wonderful friends which includes all of you, my health is good - I really feel I'm living in paradise. Luckily it doesn't require a lot of money
Now - if any of you do have any money to throw around - I want a Wii with the guitars and mic to play and sing along. I really do want one LOL - I wish I had never ever seen that today. If I get one I may become a hermit of enormous proportions - or have everyone visiting to play lol - But, of course, if I want that, I need a new tv (planned already, but maybe it's not big enough?) - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Merry Christmas again! Sleep well, with lots of dreams - and then tomorrow, start living your dreams if you aren't already.