Hi all,
Where is everybody? Guess you are all either watching and getting ready for Isaac if you are in the southern areas where it might hit and the rest of you are just moving slowly or off to work this morning.
My 4 legged alarm clocks woke me up before I wanted to get up this morning as it's my day off. But I do have things I want to do, so got up and had some frozen pancakes for breakfast. Still have a few left if anybody wants some, plus sausage too. Or toast. Other wise you can fight over the last two eggs. Shopping trip coming up this morning.
I have a feeling that Isaac is going to be affecting the weather for those of us way up here as well. When those tropical storms or hurricanes come inland, the alter the weather patters coming across the country, so who knows what kind of weather we shall have. Long range forecasts are calling for sunny and warm this week. For those of you who are in Isaac's path, keep safe and keep an eye out as I know you all are. I do agree with Red on the "hype" as the weather people do tend to go a bit overboard, but our safety is their main concern and I know that those of you who live in the areas where tropical storms and hurricanes do occur are always prepared and will evacuate if it looks like things are going to get way worse. We go through that too in winter, when a storm is coming. They really build it up, but those of us who live here, just make our preparations and deal with it. Sometimes the whole thing fizzles out after all the hyperbole. But there are those, no matter where you live, you never pay attention to weathe forecasts, or pooh pooh the whole thing and then get themselves into deep trouble if not killed, so I guess a little hype might be a good thing.
Alice, hope nothing happens to your beach house. You did such a great and beautiful job with that new addition. It just set the place off. Probably will get a lot of rain maybe. You stay safe, you hear. We all worry about you and everybody else down there.
As for me, my deck trim painting project is on hold for now. It rained last night so everythings damp. However, it looks like it's going to clear up and the sun coming out, so maybe this afternoon it will dry enough to do it. Wanted to paint my clothes poles as well.
So, guess I am going to get moving here. Need to do a quick cleaning of my bathroom, run a vac, get cleaned up to head to the paint store, bank and grocery store this mornig, then come home and get busy. Time if moving along here. Have a good day all.