Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby WickedLady » Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:03 pm

I will try to make it by eleven. Don't know if I can get started early enough tho. That is about 190 miles from me.
The rest area is at either 239 or 240 according to my map. I think 239 is southbound and 240 is northbound.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Lynn2 » Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:43 pm

I'm about 474 miles from the Rogue to the east. I know there are several long climbs and down grades going over the Blues since I haven't pulled much with this rig has anyone come thru Christmas Valley? I have heard it is less steep. I can relate to the prying off of the fingers. Going to leave early and go 200-250 miles each day so can go slow as needed.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby monik7 » Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:52 pm

OregonLuvr wrote:No worries. F loop has water and electric. Just no sewer. The restrooms and showers are close to us tho, so again no worries.


Thanks to those of you who answered about hookups. When I looked on the CG map, I only saw electric. So glad we have water too. Can't wait to see you all there.

Bindi (Maltipoo) and Abby (Shih Tzu/Poodle)

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Cougarfan » Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:55 am

Lynn2 wrote:I'm about 474 miles from the Rogue to the east. I know there are several long climbs and down grades going over the Blues since I haven't pulled much with this rig has anyone come thru Christmas Valley? I have heard it is less steep. I can relate to the prying off of the fingers. Going to leave early and go 200-250 miles each day so can go slow as needed.

I looked at the map of the route thru Christmas Valley. It looks like it would be slow going and you still have to cross the cascades and there don't appear to be any towns with services if you had an issue. I've never been on that road so it might have just as many ups and downs as 26. You could take 26/20/22 to Salem. The Santiam Pass is lower than the others you would cross over the cascades and its pretty good road with lots of passing lanes. The other option is still I-84 with just the one big pass at Meacham and its freeway the whole way. Even though its longer, you would probably burn just as much fuel as you would going up and down the passes thru the center of the state.

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Lynn2 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:12 pm

Thanks Laura,
Good point re: services. I am so used to traveling by car that figuring the pros and cons of secondary road rv travel is interesting. I really appreciated the feedback. I forgot about gas stations as well. The pickup only has a 30 gal tank. I think that traveling from Baker to Bend over the Blue mtn passes and the narrow John Day gorge is my challenge. I'm thinking from Bend down hwy 97 across to Diamond Lake jct and then down toward Rogue River isn't as steep. Baker to Bend is about 250 miles, Bend to Rogue River is about 200 or so. Baker to Portland To Rogue River on I-84 via the Columbia Gorge is about 600 mile all freeway. I haven't found anyone on any forum yet who has traveled by rv thru John Day/Prineville/Bend etc. I can get suggestions from. It is very pretty that way, some open areas but ranches around, maybe if I go slow (like there is any other way!!) my fingers can still be pried from the wheel.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Cougarfan » Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:25 pm

I have driven that road by car (and yes, it is a beautiful drive) and it does have it's ups and downs but the good thing is that those passes are around 4000 ft and you're already at about 3000 ft so its just a "hill" :lol:

I think you'll do fine with the John Day/Prineville/Bend route then down past Diamond Lake. When you get to the gtg, we will all help you pry your hands off the steering wheel.

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby OregonLuvr » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:33 pm

While Laura is busy prying you out of the truck I can make "adult beverages"...that should cure what ails ya.
I think your route will be just fine. I actually like the secondary roads and just pull over when I can and let all the people that can pile up behind me pass on by. They don't intimidate me any more but I do pull over when able to as I have been following the "slow to go" people also and it irritates the heck out of me IF they dont use the turnouts when they should. Up until that point I am sympathetic LOL My motorhome is not known for "speedy" up the hills. In fact I get down to slower than the trucks sometimes. Other times I get to pass one or two of em.

I came home over our 4 big I-5 passes yesterday and my slowest speed was 36mph....AND I still passed a truck ha ha I have a gas Motorhome so it doesnt get up the hill very fast but by golly slow and steady is my game.

Unloaded and parked now until the GTG. Will have to see about a wash job before the GTG as it gets very dusty over in the gated gravel lot. Remembered this time to hook up my trickle charger for the engine battery. Also checked the batteries for water. Now just need an oil change for the motor and generator..that can wait until after the GTG.

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby monik7 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:56 pm

OregonLuvr wrote:
Unloaded and parked now until the GTG. Will have to see about a wash job before the GTG as it gets very dusty over in the gated gravel lot. Remembered this time to hook up my trickle charger for the engine battery. Also checked the batteries for water. Now just need an oil change for the motor and generator..that can wait until after the GTG.

Getting excited to meet everyone


Hi Karen: I know this is probably not the place to discuss this, but could you tell me more about your trickle charger? Where you connect it, what it does, brand, etc. I'm so new to RVing, I haven't learned about this part yet. Thanks,
Bindi (Maltipoo) and Abby (Shih Tzu/Poodle)

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Bethers » Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:03 pm

I've probably driven the route you describe, or parts of it, Lynn. I like to take all back roads if I can. And I don't have worse gas mileage doing it. Actually have worse on interstates than anything else. But it's all in your comfort level. The 2 lane roads and passes don't bother me as much as the truckers flying by and the winds that interstates are known for. Personal preference. And my #1 reason - I like the scenery. Why I say I "probably" is I traveled all around OR - visiting friends in Salem, Astoria and Sisters in the process. Entered the state that trip from the southeast, exited from the southwest and hit most points in between.
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Joan » Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:26 am

Cougarfan wrote:
Joan wrote:I will try to be there at 11 although I have a history of trying to get an early start but end up not leaving until 1 or 2. It depends on how much I can get done earlier in the week after work. If I am not there, don't wait for me.

Like I said, there are no rules for this caravan LOL I have to utilize the evenings after work as well but I'm going to go get the trailer out of storage on Friday after work and try to do as much as I can the weekend before. I will save the grocery shopping to Thursday morning as I head out of town.

When it gets closer, and we see how many are interested, we'll decide on a go-time from the rest area and those that are there will go.


What I cannot understand is why I can't get going. I also will get the trailer out of storage on Tuesday after the garbage men have been here and given the size of my trailer, its not like I have a lot of stuff to load but for some reason, I haven't been able to get it together to leave early in the past. Oh well, I guess I need better organizational skills. Regardless, I will see you all at some point on Thursday whether it be just south of Salem or way south at the Valley of the Rogue State Park. 8-)
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Cougarfan » Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:55 am

Ha ha Joan...

My problem is that I am so determined to leave early that I sometimes forget something critical for my trip. Whether I'm flying, driving or taking the trailer :roll: I've been known to go shopping when I arrive at my destination for pajamas, hair brushes, hair dryers, shampoo, etc etc etc...

You're lucky that your garbage people come on Tuesday. Mine comes on Thursday so I have to make sure I'm not on the street when they come. I can unhook and leave it on the driveway when I bring it home, but my truck blocks the street when I'm hooking up so really need to be ready to go when I hook up.

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Cougarfan » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:04 am

I received the gtg banner this week so we're all set!

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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby ellenw » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:21 pm

Laura - So that means we're official now, right? :D
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Cougarfan » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:31 pm

ellenw wrote:Laura - So that means we're official now, right? :D

Patience my little grasshopper....when you can take the Sharpie out of my hand and sign the banner, then, we will be official....
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Re: Northwest GTG 2012 - Sept 27-Oct 2

Postby Lynn2 » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:52 pm

Like reading about everyone's travel plans for the GTG, know there are other newbies who are nervous traveling as I am. The trip will be here before I know it so today I decided to sanitize the fresh water tank, great except the pump wouldn't pump any water, running-no water. Ok, I thought I'll just hook up the hose. Yikes! Water everywhere. Seems there is a leak in the shower somewhere. So tomorrow I have to play plumber then figure out the water pump. Wish me luck.
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