The leveling is good, Sparkle, it's just where I was standing to take the photo....
We're doing a Christmas Eve Snack Fest with Mike & Donna and then getting on the Yahoo IM with the kids and grandkids and my Mom & Sibs with their families.....
you'd all laughed last night when 2 of my sisters and I were trying to get the webcams & mics fixed, I've been doing the webcam with the kids for over a month, so know somewhat what I'm doing, but the 2 of them are new at far we can all get the webcams working to see each other, but the talking instead of typing is another story.....seems my laptop won't support conference calling, so I can only talk to one sister at a of last night, but we're going to try again tonight....if all else fails, we'll type and wave at each other Christmas Eve.....
Glad you all enjoyed the Peek Thru My Window.....If you look really hard at the lower right side of the window, you can see my flamingo sticker that Karen gave me at the TX GTG....