Escapees RV Club Boot Camp, that is. It all started with me noticing the camp online and realizing it's only an hour from where my sisters live in The Woodlands, TX. I thought, "hmmm, that'd be cool for 2013. I'll either already have my new rig or I'll have it soon."
Yesterday I learned that the $270 credit I have on Southwest Airlines has to be traveled by December 26, not just booked, so next I thought, "hmmmm, where to go, where to go..."
So it all just came together. I'll fly to Houston on November 8, rent a car and stay with one of my sisters that Thursday night, then drive up to Livingston on Friday, classes Friday, Saturday and then Sunday morning, hotel room Friday and Saturday nights, back to sister's place Sunday afternoon and back to Spokane on Tuesday. I won't have the rig yet then, and I'll still hold out for a 2nd rental experience, maybe next spring, but I'll bet it'll be soon. And I have a hunch I'll learn stuff in Boot Camp that'll help with research and purchase.
I was going to do this anyway, but by going this year instead of 2013, the airfare's free - I'm excited!!
Oh, and here's a link to an earlier thread with more information - thanks, Carolyn!