Good Morning all,
Just a quick hi this morning before I get cleaned up and headed off to work. Nothing much in the line up for breakfast this morning. Adkins bar and some milk, followed by a bowl of strawberries. Have eggs and sausage if anybody is interested in that.
Beautiful weather pattern up here these past few days. Pleasant sunshine and temps as well. Rained all day on Thursday, nothing heavy, just a fairly steady light rain. Was good day to curl up with a book but I of course was working. We have been lucky in that we aren't getting the hotter weather that has plagued the middle and lower parts of the state. Will get warm today and tomorrow (mid 80's) but settling down again after that. At the moment this area is probably the only area that is not considered in dry or drought conditions in the whole state. But it's close.
Kathleen, don't over do it. I know you might be feeling better, but please be careful.
Dawn, did I miss something. You have a new rig? Last i heard it was Paul that got one. Hmmm, going to have to do some looking at posts on here when i get a chance.
Ava, it seems funny to hear that school will be starting for you in just a couple of weeks when we are a month away from even thinking about it here. But as you said, it's one year closer to retirement.
Echo, i can feel the excitement building as Tuesday gets closer. Drive safe on that trip. Looking forward to hearing about your new "home" once you get it back to TN.
Gun shows, traveling, destuffing and what not on a lot of people's agenda. Keeping everybody busy, busy.
Well, must be off here, so wishing all of you a wonderful Sunday.