oregonrambler1 wrote:I
My passion, one of them anyway, is crochet and I sell on etsy sometimes. I'm currently working on a set of matching filet crochet valances for a lady in Norway. (reminder to self, check store soon). What are you making? I love working with crochet thread, unfortunately the market for intricate doilies is past but I'm finding people who want valances. They are unique and pretty. Have a great sunday everyone.
I'd like the link to your Esty site if you don't mind, do you sell crocheted rag rugs ? I can crochet a tiny bit but no patience for it. I do have some lovely crochet valences I just couldn't pass up at a flea market one day. I know the amount of labor and time that it took to make them. I still have them in a box downstairs and will probably never use them I should put them on eBay. I haven't been putting any dollies or handwork of any kind on as I too have noticed the time has passed. Wouldn't you know...
It's just no fair about the rain distribution!!! We got about 15 minutes of sprinkles yesterday morning.
Little Winnie made quite a statement this morning. I made her move from the rug in the kitchen where Charley likes to be during breakfast. She moved, then went into the living room and left a little 'present' on his pad in there while I wasn't watching! Conniving little brat!