I am very upset this evening. I had parked my RV in a visitor center here at Rocky Mountain National Park to take a tour. When I got done I headed back to my campsite. On the way, I heard a very loud crash and pulled over as soon as I could. The side door had flown open and the stairs had deployed, and had crashed into some logs the park service put alongside the road to keep people from parking there. The steps are terribly bent and won't retract. I managed to get back and settled into my campsite, but as you can imagine, am very upset at my brand new vehicle with this damage, and being basically undriveable!!!
Some background: I have had problems getting the door to latch for several weeks. when I last went to the dealer, we decided at least one of the latches worked and that he would repair it in November when I was back in Ohio. I had several other items he would NOT repair because he said they were booked until mid-July, and i wanted to be gone by June 30, so decided I'd get them done in California because I would be there for a month.
A few days ago I found out that neither latch was working, so I called customer service at Fleetwood, lady was nice but said I should try another Fleetwood dealer on my way. (If you pull hard enough from the outside, the door can be opened. I have been tugging on the inside and hoping it was latched, but worried about my belongings and safety.) I tried two dealers, but neither would fix this immediately and said they also were booked for over two weeks. I had told the lady on the phone this was a personal safety issue, but basically she said I should wait until California and get it fixed there or keep trying dealers.
So, now I am going to call Fleetwood in the morning and put up a big stink. I am also going to call the roadservice people, can't remember name, am so upset. I want this vehicle made driveable so I can get to a dealer and get the steps fixed. I think this is going to mean cutting them off and replacing them at a dealer.
Also, the thing that helps raise the bed to access the storage broke last week, and I have complained about this, but at least it does not affect the driveablility of the vehicle.
And finally, there is one drawer that has opened and bashed a big hole in the cabinet opposite it. The dealer says he won't fix it because I overloaded the drawer!! I need to discuss this with Fleetwood and would like, in writing, a list of the weight limitations for all drawers and cabinets!!!! The drawer did have some canned goods in it, but also had pasta, and other dry things and was not full. The design to have this drawer in a positiion where it would make a large hole in a cabinet is there fault, to my thinking. There should have been some secondary latch to prevent it reaching the cabinet. I KNOW I latched this because I check every time I get on the road.