Good Morning Sistahs!!!!
Ahhhhhh Sunday the one day I get to sleep in! And I did too. At least until 6:10am. Went to bed just a tad past 10pm last night, played with Shade for a bit and went out just like my light did. I remember laying down and that's it. I didn't even wake for a potty run. I thought I was gonna pay for that though! You should have seen me trying to get out of bed and into the bathroom without springing a leak!!! I made tho!!! Whew!
Brrrrr it's chilly out there this morning, 18 degrees. I have no freaking idea where the heck Yahoo weather gets their temp readings from? Not very often tho that mine and theirs match. I guess even Shade thought it was a little to cold to this morning? She didn't waste any time getting out in the yard to do her business and back up on the porch. LOL Now had there been snow out there? That would have been a whole different story. I probably would have had a time of it getting her to come inside! She loves the snow. Likes to roll in it, scrub her chest and belly in it and then she buries her face and head in it and plows a furrow across the yard. Silly dog ends up looking like a miniature start to a snowman. Then comes in and drips snow all over the place!
Nothing planned here except work of course. I like going in at noon but sure do hate getting out at 9pm. Try to grab something to eat and then get to bed to get back up at 5:30am Monday morn. Think I'm getting a little burned out? Got ornery with a couple of customers yesterday on the phone as I was doing a couple of take overs. When we talk to a customer and can not set up a payment we have to get another agent on the phone to see if they can get the payment. Well the woman that sits next to me needed take overs and I got evil with one of them. Finally told the woman that I honestly and truly didn't care if she made a payment or not. That it really didn't bother me or hurt "me" in any way. That if she didn't care about her account and credit history/rating? Then that was her problem. grrrr Poor Lyn looked at me and said "Your getting tire too, huh?" LOLOLOL Gotta love it tho! At least it's a job.
Ok have eggs, corned beef hash, toast and a whole lot of coffee this morning. Who's interested????
Hope everyone has a fantastic day and be sure to stay safe...
Love to all