Yep it's Monday and for me I can say TGIF as it's kinda my Friday. I have Tues and Weds off and I am so ready for my days off. Have to be into work today by 1 and I work until close. If nothing else I know that I will come home tonight with soaking wet feet. My poor work shoes are falling apart already! ~sigh~ Sure can't run out and buy another pair right now. A couple of people at work have suggested Gorilla Glue for them. Doing dishes tonight.
Went to bed and set my alarm to let me sleep a full 8hrs and still didn't want to wake up this morning. I think I need to find a miracle mega vitamin to take. I also need to get into the clinic that they have for employees as I am getting low on one of my BP pills. Have been missing one for a while and haven't gotten a new script for it, so when I do go they will need to write me up 2 scripts. I take 3 of the things and don't dare go with only taking just one.
Coffee here is fine but no sweets or any other goodies for that fact so you will have to supply your own. If ya bring a goodie to snake on? Can ya bring an extra for me??? Hope everyone has a great day, has fun, does something interesting and stays safe too!!!
Love to all