OK, got the china all packed. I had stuff of my own, my mother's, and my grandmother's, so there was a lot of stuff. It ended up being three very large boxes and a lot of bubble wrap and paper. I put a sofa pillow in the bottom of each box and one on the top of two of them!! Good place to store them, and they provided a cushion and took up space to lighten load. China is really HEAVY, so I was afraid to fill boxers all the way. Should have got smaller boxes.
Den and remaining books are all packed. Ditto for most travel stuff--I buy WAY too many booklets and books when I travel!
So I am taking a break. Just got some guys from DPW to pick up some stuff that i know will not sell in a garage sale and that I don't want to bother moving. Tonight I will go through the remainder of my clothing and pack up what gets stored--mostly a few business and formal things in case I ever go on another cruise and need something dressy. That leaves me 14 pairs of long jeans which I think is at least 6 pairs too many, so I need to do more pruning. Dressers are already empty except for some shorts and t-shirts which will go.
Tomorrow I will clean out refrigerator and groceries and pack that plus the handful of stuff from my cupboard I am taking. Saturday morning is the move. Yea.
Whew!! I never, ever, ever want to go through this again. At keast the small space of a motorhome will be a limiting factor on my accumulating stuff in the future!!
Hope all the other ladies in my situation who are sorting and cleaning out "stuff" are doing well.