by Colliemom » Fri May 25, 2012 8:00 pm
Tina, I am really enjoying following along in your blog. Sounds like you ladies are having a great time and it's nice that you don't have a time schedule with all the weather delays you have been experiencing. My parents traveled out West in June during the late 80' sand hit snow in the Big Horn Mts. too.
But I am sorry to hear that news of Herschal. Sassy is having a hearng issue too. I have to make sure she sees me before I call her or else she head in the opposite direction as her directional hearing is gone. She too is starting to slow down I notice little things now.
But Herschal is enjoying his trip to AK, even it it's his last one and he would want nothing more.
I will be facing the same decision down the line in a couple of years as I plan to travel west, but at the same time, I will be facing the issue of aging dogs or perhaps dog, depending on how it goes. Sassy like Herschal love to travel and go exploring new areas. Tessa, well she can give and take. Sassy is my oldest.
May you and Herschal have a wonderful and fun trip and I'm sure he's enjoying his new walking buddy.
Sue and the Furry Crew