Sorry to keep asking so many questions, but I don't know where else to go. I'll try to pay you all back someday.
This retiring is NOT easy!! I have been spending literally hours online sorting through tons of informational garbage. I finally got my Medicare Part B enrollment done, and now I need a Medigap policy. I originally thought I could get a Medicare Advantage plan, but since those mostly cover local things and I will be on the road and moving, have decided these are not right for me.
I looked up all the Medigap policies available in my area, and I am stumped. Most are companies I have never heard of. (Constitution Life, Continental General Insurance, Medico, etc.) The two I recognized, State Farm and Humana, were expensive and wanted a detailed medical questionnaire filled out and would not guarantee me acceptance. Another choice was AARP, and mostly I do not like that organization--don't know why, maybe due to their sending me so much stuff over the years and the concern that it is political and/or too commercial??? (Really, however, all these companies are commercial, so why am I so concerned?) AARP is reasonably priced and insures through United Healthcare Insurance.
Does anyone have a medigap policy, and are you happy with it? Any recommendations? I am really stressing out with all these things. (Also need to hire movers, find a rental moving van, etc.)