It's a dark and rainy day so far this morning....but still a warm 70 degrees, or so. Dinah is out under the canopy, and Molly is in here on the sofa bed. She is sometimes walking on her sore leg, and sometimes carrying it in the air. Vet said bad sprain or strain, or whatever, and doesn't think break-----as I had pretty much already decided. But I got heart worm meds and flea/tick meds for both dogs as well as more pain meds for Molly yesterday, so I guess the 189 bucks will be worth it later on when I don't have to take either dog to my own vet in order to get those meds later.
I have no clue what I will do today in the rain, other than pay some bills online. I need to go Price Chopper later for supplies, as well, and I think Mandy, Orion and I will do that when she gets back from her morning conferences. Other than that,maybe I will do some more crossword puzzles and then read a book I have been starting over and over for years now----can't even remember the name of it right now!
Happy Tuesday to all of you out there in camper-land, wherever you may be!