Saturday - Super Day

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Saturday - Super Day

Postby Birdie » Sat May 12, 2012 6:31 am

Beautiful sounds coming from outside this morning. Robins and Kingbirds singing their hearts out. A little cool at 49*. Coffee, biscuits, sausage and eggs here for breakfast as we ate all of the pancakes yesterday.

Park filled up a bit last night. Now have 9 rigs here. Looks to be a fun day all around. Little rain so i can do inside jobs. Okay? Okay!! Come on sun work at getting out over the clouds.

On the road, be safe and watch the other guy and be careful, and if you are parked better have some fun.
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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby HorizonSeeker » Sat May 12, 2012 6:56 am

Hello from beautiful Hohenwald, TN. I'm just about 7 miles west of where Liz camped at Merriwether Lewis NP about a week ago. Weather is a little cooler than south Georgia but nice. Fell alseep listening to a barn owl ad a pair of Chuck Wills Widows. I am in the country. Having my tea and oatmeal and expecting the grandkids to show up soon. Meanwhile following up on the Alasaka progress. Have a great day.
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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby Echo » Sat May 12, 2012 7:30 am


Slept a solid 8hrs last night and all I want to do is go back to bed. Sheesh!!! Need to pick up some vitimins and B12 complex, Kelly and I would both benefit from taking them. ??? Maybe I will 'sleep in' Tuesday morning? That is my day off and hopefully I can actually do that!

Nothing but work planned here for today, I have to punch in today at 11am. Work from 11 to 6pm as that is the busiest time for us. The "Homecoming Parade" was yesterday at 6pm, it wasn't to bad getting home just had to take a small detour. They had the whole strip all thru town shut down. Don't know the length of the parade or where it started but the end was at the road that I live on. From what they were saying at work last night and on the news Dolly will still be in town today and that the park will be busy as she plans on being on the park. Weather is suppose to be decent today but the news said spotty showers later today.

I am gonna go do some reading and see what ya'll have been up to. Hope everyone has a super great day and that ya'll stay safe while having fun.

Love to all
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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby carold » Sat May 12, 2012 7:42 am

We're here in Mountain Home, AR and parked in a COE campground on Lake Norfolk. The weather's been great and playing tennis every morning. Have friends that live here, so we'll be busy visiting when they're not working. They keep a boat at the marina, so that will be available for us to use when we want. Haven't decided how long we will be here. We have reservations at a park in Wake Forest for the 8th of June. Have been busy planning our trip to Europe. Based on everything the gk's are trying to fit into a 3 week time frame, we will be exhausted when we return and might need a mini vacation to recuperate :lol: Off to shower and then head to our friends house for brunch. Have a good day. carold
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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby avalen » Sat May 12, 2012 8:35 am

good morning ladies
its suppose to be 100 degrees today, will definitely need to run the swamp cooler. Routine chores got started last evening as today I
have to run and get brake pads for my car and hopefully son will get the brakes done today. Heard that grinding noise coming home
from work yesterday so thats the plan for today. I kind of figured it was due for brakes and had thought I'd be doing them soon so
when I heard that noise I knew I couldn't put it off any longer.
Still waiting for my tax refunds to show up so Gracie and Pixie can get their dentals. Also need to plan for myself a check up as I'm
getting some warning signs but can't do that until after school is done as they have no drivers to cover anything. One of our drivers
ended up in the hospital with meningitis and everyone went into a panic but it turned out to be viral not bacterial. He is an older
guy that just had a new shoulder put in so no telling where it came from. I really have to chuckle at myself every time I use that
expression "older" cause then I realize "hey, I'm one of those" :lol:
ok, time to get dressed, get a few things done and then its off to Auto Zone. Have a great day and everyone be safe on the roads.
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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby Liz » Sat May 12, 2012 8:58 am

Good morning all. It is a super day, no matter what the weather, because I am on the road to Alaska! It's cloudy here in IL, north of St. Louis, and maybe will rain later. I hope to get a hike in, and maybe a bike ride though. There are geocaches to find too, so lots of choices. I expect Nan to catch pull in here sometime today, although she has a long drive, so hope he doesn't take risks trying. We aren't in a hurry....take your time, Nan.

Sorry to have missed horizon seeker and Carold....we were so close.

Was hoping o do a blog post from here, but Internet signal is very poor and can't upload pictures on you'll have to wait awhile.

Off to go to the Visitor's Center and then a hike. Have fun, and stay safe!
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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby JudyJB » Sat May 12, 2012 9:56 am

Up early today--at least early for me. Maybe when I am retired I will keep a more regular schedule, but I get so sleep deprived during the week, I end up sleeping in on weekends.

Had a morning bagel and spent some time sorting my jewelry into three stacks: one for the safety deposit box, one to take with me on my journey, and one of cheap stuff I will store with my stuff for my someday house. I'll make a trip to the credit union on Monday to drop off the good jewelry and a handful of documents I want kept safe. I have one jewel box that has a fairly tight lid, so it and a few semi-nice things will go into a drawer in my new motorhome.

Task today is to finish packing up wine and champagne glasses and some other crystal things for storage. Also need to start packing a couple of boxes of all the old booklets and photos from my travels.

AND, I am going to update my signature with a photo of my new RV and one of me, so you can all recognize me if you ever see me! Less than three weeks of work left--yea! (Other than my always present teaching online job, of course.)
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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby Sandersmr » Sat May 12, 2012 11:11 am

Morning! Hope those camping in TX are safe! We had a night of near constant storms all night near the coast. DBF's Jeep has developed a leak so he's now at the car wash vacuuming out the water - oops! I was supposed to do a 5K for breast cancer today but it was still lightning and thundering when I got up for that so I went back to bed.

I just realized the week I've booked for my trip to MI is going to be during Cherry Festival at Traverse City. That might make things a little interesting as it may make it more difficult to get around in that area.

I need to figure out what to do with myself today. I have a bunch of stuff I need to be doing but whether I get around to it...
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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby Acadianmom » Sat May 12, 2012 1:24 pm

I went off to see if I could beat the rain to the farmers market but just about everyone had packed up. All I got was a few squash. We lucked out yesterday and today, most of the heavy rain was offshore. I think most of it has passed now. The local lumber company had rocking chairs on sale so checked them out. They were too cheap and had to be assembled. They also had the camp chairs with the trays on sale for $25 but they were cheap too. The ones at Academy and Sam's are much better and sometimes they are only $35.

I would really like to make a cake or something sweet but my DH is trying to lose some weight and I need to. Might be a good time to try out the convection oven in the motorhome and leave what I make in there. :mrgreen:

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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby Carolinagal » Sat May 12, 2012 1:56 pm

Hello Everyone, Morning has past, even out here :) signal comes and goes here, I have tried several times to check in on the forum, no luck. Cold here today, think radio said 45, and gloomy, no rain though, a wee bit yesterday evening. Wind at least is not like yesterdays.

No news happening, just enjoying my visit with family. My son isn't here yet, he is out on a job, but expected back Monday, so hopefully I will have a couple days visit with him, before I leave. Always so much going on here, busy place, but fun for me, I mostly watch LOL, still trying to adjust to elevation, taking longer this time, wonder could it be another yr. on the ole bod.? :lol:

Seems several are on the roads , stay safe, but enjoy the scenery. Its a wonderful day we have, so hope you all find something pleasant to enjoy and have fun doing today.

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Re: Saturday - Super Day

Postby Travelinana » Sat May 12, 2012 3:59 pm

Echo, I just pulled into Gatlinburg today, lots and lots of people downtown. I am in a campground now. The mgrs told me Dolly was in town and there was a parade. Carold, glad to hear you are getting in lots of tennis. Your trip to Europe will be such a great experience for your grandchildren and yes, most likely you will need some R&R when you return. Avalen, don't wait too long for are more important than your fur babies or your car but I know how most of us are..we put ourselves last. Exciting keeping up with you Alaskan bound girls. Liz, you don't let much grass grow under your feet and we love it. Maybe by now, Nan has arrived. Just a request to all of you, please mention in each post where you are. Carolina gal, I know you are in the mountains but without looking at your earlier posts I'm not sure where. Regardless, we are all so excited for each of you and want to travel along even if it's through your posts.
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